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No Wi-Fi Signal detection in nLite'd XP x64


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I have been trying hard for the last week and a half to get a working install of x64 using nLite. While I have most of the bugs out, I am still having problems with my wireless card (ABIT AirPace PCIe). The card detects and installs fine, but when I click on the wireless tray icon it tells me "no networks are in range - please make sure your wireless switch is on" instead of showing the SSID of my router. The wireless worked fine after my vanilla install of x64 and works just fine under my vanilla install of Vista Ultimate x64 (using the same drivers each time). I have attached my session file - perhaps you can take a look at it and tell me if I did anything wrong. I did not remove anything regarding wireless, DHCP, or TCP/IP so I do not understand what is going on. :realmad:


Edited by bludragon
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At a guess I'd say it has to do with the button that activates your WiFi.

On my Acer laptop I can integrate the drivers via nLite no problem, it detects the WLAN NIC and all seems fine. However, until I install the Launch Manager (which is a separate program) it simply won't activate.

Where did you obtain the drivers? Did you extract an .exe file? If so the chances are that it installs something else in addition to the drivers.

EDIT: Might be worth checking for the common silent install switches.

Edited by Kurt_Aust
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Thanks, Kurt. This is a desktop, not a laptop. Being such, there is no "switch" per se. I actually installed the drivers post setup myself using the installer from ABIT's website. Their installer installs the drivers and a "helper" utility that really serves no purpose as it does not even configure the connection (unlike some cards, Linksys for example).

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The [key0=0x0009] line in the AirPace setup.ini strongly implies that there is a hotkey involved somehow, it's probably just set to default on at startup.

Acer's Launch Manager app is similar but has 7 such lines (more hotkeys).

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I've never removed components myself, but that does seem the most likely cause of the error. I'd suggest not removing anything from the:

;# Drivers #

;# Hardware Support #

;# Network #

categories and trying again.

Have you made an attempt without any component removals?

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I haven't gotten around to creating a clean install with no components removed but that is next on my list. I probably should have tried that first. *DOH!*

I need to create a new disc anyhow as I need to integrate the RAID F6 drivers to get my Raptors set up. That'll be fun! :rolleyes:

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Ok; I fixed the Wi-Fi problem buy putting some of the network components back in and re-enabling some of the services I disabled. I now have a few other issues that I am trying to sort out. * sigh * If it ain't one thing it's another...


Edited by bludragon
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