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Including reg patches modifies which hives setupreg.hiv or the others?

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I'm trying to install a 750 gig IDE drive.

If I put a set of registry modifications on the CD to be loaded/installed for a slipped Windows 2K or XP disk,

which of the registry files will get modified upon load? Is it setupreg.hiv, or the others (for example) system

which will reside in c:\windows\system32\config\ or any of the various other ones?

During the initial install of an OS it will show the setup partition table and the unallocated space.

However, for a Windows 2K Sp4 one, the maximum value of unallocated spaced is 131,062 Mbytes -

in other words about 131 Gigs. At this time, this windows version has a 137 GIG limit. To get beyond

this, one needs the registry to be modified to allow drives larger than 137 gigs. Therefore, the 137 gig

registry patch is the one I want to install with Windows 2K SP4.

Thus, my question is, if the registry patch

is included, will it show me an unallocated space greater than 131 Gigs and up to the max of the drive

on the Windows Setup screen?

Can I allocate disk partitions that will upon entering a number on the setup disk partition screen that are greater than 131 GIG work without problem? What about if it is a terabyte drive which is one digit more than the current

data entry screen that is used to enter the number to allocate the partition space or does it adjust the

numeric entry field to accept this large value?

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