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Context Menu Services My Computer


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For some reason before addind other context menus to my computer through registry it would show. Ive figured out if i remove



it will show and work fuctionally.

What exactly does the suppressionpolicy do? ive tried finding information on it but cant seem to figure it out.

Will there not be any issues by simply removing it? Under any website/forum describing how to add Services to context menu of my computer shows that it is needed to be added. Though so far i have experiancd no issues by removing it.

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Hi Dude,

SuppressionPolicy key plays a vital role in the performance of the application and shell within the OS. I would advise not remove this key. You can read many technical information SuppressionPolicy key and what it is used for. Verbs can be suppressed through policy settings by adding a SuppressionPolicy value to the verb's key (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776820.aspx)




http://support.microsoft.com/kb/936093 (tells you what when SuppressionPolicy key is missing)

Hope info helps to decide on this policy key.

Best wishes,


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  • 1 year later...

Let me expand that a little bit.

Windows checks if SuppressionPolicy exists for every action you can do in windows (double click things, right click, executing programs, context menu entries...) Verified with ProcMon. Many functions are checked if they have SuppressionPolicy, and yet few SuppressionPolicy values exist on a plain installation.

What I have in mind is that any of those actions can be controlled to the user's liking if the SuppressionPolicy (in the individual control) is defined. It would allow very fine level of tweaking. I really think this has great potential. Some examples of the level of control achieved is the two examples upon which I always stumble upon when searching about this:

1. Slow network performance when you open a file that is located in a shared folder on a remote network computer (a very elegant solution, but what does it do?)

2. and this topic (adding services context menu to my computer - everyone's listing the SuppressionPolicy value, but nobody seems to knows why?)

I want to find the place where those policies are defined. The place I mentioned above just lists them, but doesn't state their numerical values. And it seem they are too many to fit in a dword bitmask? Or not? That's why I would be grateful if anyone has any more information about this.

Where do I find shlobj.h?


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