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WinXP PRO SP2 nLite hangs during Setup


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Hey everyone, I'm new here just trying to get some help for my problem. I have made nLite CDs in the past with no problems, but this time around I keep running into the exact same problem. It seems like no matter I can't get past the 'Registering Components' screen. Setup will proceed normally until this point where it will just hang until I turn the computer off. I am using a standard Windows XP SP2 Professional base, with the RVM Update Pack 2.1.11, the RUP Update Pack for RVM 2.1.11, 7-Zip 4.55 Beta, Ad-Aware 2007, AVG Free 7.5.476, CPLBonus Addon 6.5, Daemon Tools 4.10 SPDT, Firefox, JRE6 Update3, RVM Addon Pack 1.8.2, RVM DX9.0c, RVM WGAN, and WinRAR 3.71. I also integrate WMP11 using the WMP11 Slipstreamer after those updates, integrate IE7 after that, and slipstream the complete DriverPacks after that and use nLite to make an ISO.

If anyone could provide me with any pointers regarding this issue, I would REALLY appreciate it. I thought the problem might have been the .NET AIO pack, but it still doesn't work even without it. All software additions were downloaded as either CABs or 7zips and none of the addons are homemade. Maybe I'm just doing things in the wrong order? Also, I tried opening my svcpack.inf file and removing duplicate entries as was recommended in another thread but all that shows up in my svcpack.inf is garbled text...

Edited by MondoMcNubb
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