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UltraISO v8.6.3


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Hi all,

I want to install UltraISO v8.6.3 Silently Without The Decktop icon & ISOdrive

and Associate it with .iso file extension

I know that the installer is Inno and the silent switch is "/VERYSILENT /SP- "

But with this Switch i have no options to do this

any Suggestions please

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Hi all,

I want to install UltraISO v8.6.3 Silently Without The Decktop icon & ISOdrive

and Associate it with .iso file extension

I know that the installer is Inno and the silent switch is "/VERYSILENT /SP- "

But with this Switch i have no options to do this

any Suggestions please

REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /VE /D "UltraISO Premium" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 101 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\UltraISO\uiso8_pe.exe /SILENT /SP- /MERGETASKS="!isodrive" /NORESTART" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 102 /D "CMD /C DEL \"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\UltraISO.lnk\"" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\1001 /V 103 /D "REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\Install\UltraISO\UltraISO.reg" /f

for UltraISO.reg export registry from:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EasyBoot Systems\UltraISO\5.0]

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Thanks radix

your Script works perfectly :thumbup Do you have one For 'IDM 5.11.4' Please ?

In fact i use AutoIt Scripts as last option i have because i can't hide the program setup screens


Thank you Very much i found what i looking for

the only different i made is replace "/SILENT" with "/VERYSILENT" and it work completely silent and then import the .reg file

and i have a question for you: From where you get this SWITCH (/MERGETASKS="!isodrive") ? please

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Thanks radix

your Script works perfectly :thumbup Do you have one For 'IDM 5.11.4' Please ?

In fact i use AutoIt Scripts as last option i have because i can't hide the program setup screens


Thank you Very much i found what i looking for

the only different i made is replace "/SILENT" with "/VERYSILENT" and it work completely silent and then import the .reg file

and i have a question for you: From where you get this SWITCH (/MERGETASKS="!isodrive") ? please

Good question

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Thanks radix

your Script works perfectly :thumbup Do you have one For 'IDM 5.11.4' Please ?

Start a new topic first.

My script don't include registration section.

As a matter of fact I don't use download managers.

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Thanks radix

your Script works perfectly :thumbup Do you have one For 'IDM 5.11.4' Please ?

In fact i use AutoIt Scripts as last option i have because i can't hide the program setup screens


Thank you Very much i found what i looking for

the only different i made is replace "/SILENT" with "/VERYSILENT" and it work completely silent and then import the .reg file

and i have a question for you: From where you get this SWITCH (/MERGETASKS="!isodrive") ? please

I found the MERGETASKS="!isodrive" switch on EZB forums in UltraIso thread a while back.


also you dont really need reg file either you can use uikey.ini some Notes below,

Use UltraISO in USB Key or CD/DVD-ROM

1) Create a text file, name it as uikey.ini, enter the following lines:






Where 'zzzzz' is the item name of UltraISO's "Options"->"Language" menu.

UltraISO will never ask for registration code and set the proper language if uikey.ini is found in the same place as ultraiso.exe.

2) Languge files

Step 1: Make a sub-directory named "lang" in the folder where ultraiso.exe located

Step 2: Copy the language DLL file from "c:\program files\ultraiso\lang" to this directory.

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