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WinAVI Silent install help


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im trying to make a silent install of WinAVI MP4 Converter. Im having problems trying to install it silently. the setup works fine but silently i get the same error returned.

here is my bat file.


REGEDIT /s Winavi.reg


the error that is returned is this.

Runtime Error (at 1:41):

Internal error: An attempt was made to expand the "app" constant before it was initialized.

What can i do to fix this. If it cant be done with switches i guess i will just make a autoit script.

Its a Inno setup if it helps.

Edited by slipk487
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For those who want to build an installer with Inno:

1.Use Universal Extractor 1.5 to extract the content of installer (don't use Universal Extractor 1.6 beta coz don't extract 2 files !).

2.Go to extraction folder and open install_script.iss file with Inno and in Tasks section delete


from first line of this section.

3.Compile script.

Note: Seems that is imposible to kill the process who is responsible with activation at the end of the installation.

I tried taskkill command in some ways but unsuccessfully.

So the right method is to build a silent installer with files extracted with Universal Extractor 1.5 and set this

installer to extract the files in a folder, make a shortcut, import registry with username and s/n, delete

MP4debug.log file from %systemdrive% all automatically.

I found a tool that make shortcuts in this site: http://www.optimumx.com/download/

useful for those who work with 7zS.sfx

Edited by radix
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i was able to keep it in the inno setup i also deleted the run command. it installed fine

i just need to fix the start menu folder as it gets named (default) but thanks for the help.

for a temp fix can remain permanent i added this to the bat file.

rename "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\(Default)" "WinAVI MP4 Converter"

Here is my entire bat file


REGEDIT /s winavi.reg

rename "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\(Default)" "WinAVI MP4 Converter"


the only problem with this is the startmenu group has to be deleted manually after uninstall

if anyone knows how to keep the startmenu group from getting named (default) plz let me know.

here is the script

AppName=WinAVI iPod\PSP\3GP\MP4 Video Converter
AppVerName=WinAVI MP4 Converter
DefaultDirName={pf}\WinAVI MP4 Converter

Source: "{app}\Language\English.ini"; DestDir: "{app}\Language"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Help\winavi.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Help"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\test.mov"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\test.rm"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\MMEncoder.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Readme.txt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Filter\RealMediaSplitter.ax"; DestDir: "{app}\Filter"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Filter\OggSplitter.ax"; DestDir: "{app}\Filter"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Filter\MatroskaSplitter.ax"; DestDir: "{app}\Filter"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Filter\AviSplitter.ax"; DestDir: "{app}\Filter"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\WinAVI MP4 Converter.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\WinAVIMp4cmd.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\VideoConverter.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\MMTranslation.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Diver.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\ShellFounder.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Core.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\MMLink.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Major.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Decoder.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\MTV.DAT"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\MP4.enc"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\conving.gif"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\3gp.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\background.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\batch.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\burn.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\buynow.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\click.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\close.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\con3gp.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\conbatch.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\conipod.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\conmp4.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\conother.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\conpsp.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\help.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\menu.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\mp4.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\skin.ini"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\web.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\welcome.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\wizard.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\min,1.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; DestName: "min.bmp"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\ipod.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\psp.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "{app}\Skins\min,2.bmp"; DestDir: "{app}\Skins"; DestName: "min.bmp"; Flags: ignoreversion

Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "Theme"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "1"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "Language"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "English"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "Skin"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "Preview"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "-1"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "RealTime"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "ShutDown"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "ForceDeinterlace"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey deletevalue
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "TestWrite"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "DirectAC3"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "0"; Flags: uninsdeletekey deletevalue
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "ShowTip"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "1"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "WinAVI iPod/PSP/3GP/MP4 Video Converter"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "3.1"; Flags: uninsdeletekey deletevalue
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\ZjSoft\WinAVIMP4"; ValueName: "MyEncoder"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "1"; Flags: uninsdeletekey deletevalue

Name: "{group}\WinAVI MP4 Converter"; Filename: "{app}\WinAVI MP4 Converter.exe";
Name: "{group}\Readme"; Filename: "{app}\Readme.txt";
Name: "{group}\WinAVI Help"; Filename: "{app}\Help\winavi.chm";
Name: "{group}\WinAVIMp4cmd"; Filename: "{app}\WinAVIMp4cmd.exe";
Name: "{group}\WinAVI MP4 Converter on the Web"; Filename: "{app}\WinAvi.url";
Name: "{group}\Uninstall WinAVI MP4 Converter"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}";
Name: "{userdesktop}\WinAVI MP4 Converter"; Filename: "{app}\WinAVI MP4 Converter.exe"; Tasks: "desktopicon";
Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\WinAVI MP4 Converter"; Filename: "{app}\WinAVI MP4 Converter.exe"; Tasks: "quicklaunchicon";

Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "Create a &desktop icon"; GroupDescription: "Additional icons:";
Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "Create a &Quick Launch icon"; GroupDescription: "Additional icons:";

; These files are stubs
; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files
Name: "default"; MessagesFile: "embedded\default.isl";

Edited by slipk487
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Its nearly the same for WinAVI Convertor, I made an iss that silently installs it and you can add your own settings.For the default group name add

DefaultGroupName=WinAVI MP4 Converter

to the setup section or if using ISTool go to Options, Program Group.

When extracting the Default Group name always gets set as default.

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i didnt have to do anything to the silent install of winavi video converter. it took the silent switches with out me having to rebuild the setup.

I rebuilt it to add settings that associate it with the video filetypes context menu, don't show the message boxes and always overwrite existing files etc, so they did not need to be set every time the program was installed.

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