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WHOOPS! A useful note of caution.


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Alright. Under some anonymous tip of increasing your USB freq. poll from 125hz to (whatever) I read about how it does this and that, supposed to help with scroll movement for mouses. ect.

What I didn't read was that it was mean't for USB mice only, and sometimes, some items don't like it. Some mice are okay to exceed the standard for, and some aren't. In order to change it in XP you have to download software to do it, it's not something easily done without it (as far as I know) but in nLite, you can change it. Nice. So I took this chance and made a build of XP with a poll of 1000hz...

and I killed my gamepad. Sure... it was only a $10 logitech dual action, but now I can't play any of my games until I buy a new one. So yeah, I killed my gamepad and now every time you plug it in to any system (2000, xp, 2003, vista, various linux) they all come out with a power surge issue. until you unplug it any other usb devices won't work.

So... when changing your frequency on your usb in nLite, make sure you know what you're doing. After killing my gamepad, i read up on it some more. I did afterwords what I should have done first off... and found out it's kinda risky. Ah, well, learned my lesson.

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