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Making an exe invisible....


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Hi guys!

I am running an application on my windows Xp pro sp2 that run in the background, doing various operations (downloads, uploads, deleting files, ecc....) in an automated way. The problem is that this app needs to call other exes through command line periodically, and every time it does it, the called exes steal focus from what I'm doing (Ie: if I'm playing or watching a movie, they are minimized)

As all the called exes are automated (they don't need user interaction to do theyr work) I woul need a program that can "patch" an exe so it runs "stealth" or at least minimized.

Does something like this exist? Please help!

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I dont know what script language you use, but here goes one example for AutoIt3:

Run("your.exe -your_switch", "", @SW_HIDE)

Should also be possible to do something like that with windows scripting, which would have the advantage of not needing an additional interpreter, because the Windows script host is included in most windows installations (IIRC). But I only know it for AutoIt.

On second thought, maybe you can modify your application so it sets the show flag of the called applications to 'hidden'.

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I dont know what script language you use, but here goes one example for AutoIt3:

Run("your.exe -your_switch", "", @SW_HIDE)

Should also be possible to do something like that with windows scripting, which would have the advantage of not needing an additional interpreter, because the Windows script host is included in most windows installations (IIRC). But I only know it for AutoIt.

On second thought, maybe you can modify your application so it sets the show flag of the called applications to 'hidden'.

They are not "my" applications, I don't have the sourcecode, that's why I would need a prog that "patches" the (compiled) exes to run stealthly. If such a thing exists obviously. :wacko:

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