Hi All. I have been using nLite version With this version, it cannot seem to customize the x86 or regular Programs Folder. Has anything with this changed in a later version? I use a dual boot XP32 and X64 installs. I have customized the Windows install directories to be... XP32/OS/ XP64/OS/ Also, TEMP folder and USERS have been subbed under their respective XP32/64 folders too (i.e. XP64/USERS/). Does anyone happen to know, from experience or otherwise, if newer versions can make it possible to also plant and rename the "Program Files" folder under a directory other than the root of the installation drive? So for example, I want to rename "PROGRAM FILES" to "TOOLS" and have the subsequent x86 folder appear as "TOOLS (x86)" and have this appear as a subfolder under the XP64 folder ("XP64/TOOLS/" -and- "XP64/TOOLS (x86)/"). Thanks your time in reading.