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Found 2 results

  1. Evening! I'm using a Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS (non-Platinum) with my Dell Dimension 4100 running 98SE. Anyone know where I could possibly find an internal 5.25" hub controller panel for sale that is compatible with this card? I've been watching Ebay but haven't had too much luck so far. Thanks in advance.
  2. Well here is the thing I just picked up a sound blaster audioPCI 64v and I cant seam to find the drivers to save my life. I've been looking all day and I would like to ask if you guys can help me find it. The reason why im installing a sound blaster card is that I would like to play some of the old dos games I have but the built in audio and midi isnt working all that well. Here is what the looks like. (http://imgur.com/a/dBcIg) Also the OS. (http://imgur.com/a/pie0b)
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