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Everything posted by DjWhizZ

  1. Hi, I Can't see anybody's Personal Message.. I can see my own personal message.. but not from other contacts,, some of you guys have/had the same problem? any ideas? thx anyway
  2. Try using this guide From ZoSTeR so you can find the switches yourself Universal Silent Switch Finder 0.1
  3. hi, i want to silently install System Mechanic, but where do i need to put the license key ? I extracted the setup but i can't find anything to put it in ..
  4. yeah but it's taking like 2/3 seconds before next screen is showen.. so you can easly click cancel
  5. Thx Worked Fine Is it possible to get rid of the Cancel butten ?
  6. hm searched on the forum.. got some information but it's making me crazy so my question is.. can someone explain how to install daemon tools 4.0.3 using WPI ? like switches etc. or do i need to extract things and stuff cause there are so many ways to install it ( well i think.. so many posts of daemon tools so )
  7. Thx urie ! thank you all in advance Now i can use 7z to make an exe right ?
  8. Kelsenellenelvian.. it's not working properly, it runs WPI now but! I made a screen of it..: [Pic] He's not installing everything..
  9. Working thx i'm now installing windows to test the WPI
  10. hmm look: [Pic] thats this line: command5="%systemroot%\system32\wpi.cmd Whats wrong with it?
  11. hi, i can't get WPI Started.. The Folder is located on %CDROM%\WPI and the WPI.cmd is located in the $OEM$\$$\System32\ Folder.. Here's my cmd File: @ECHO OFF REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WPI.hta set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% REM Determine the WPI startup path. REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %cdrom%. set wpipath=%CDROM%\WPI REM Hide this command window. %wpipath%Tools\cmdow.exe @ /hid REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface. REM %wpipath%Tools\ResChange.exe -width=1280 -height=1024 -depth=max -refresh=max REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way. REM start /wait %wpipath%Tools\fonts\fontinstaller.exe REM Special registry tweak needed. regedit /s %wpipath%common\wpi.reg REM Make WPI directory the current directory. cd /d "%wpipath%" REM Start WPI and wait for its end wpi.hta REM Undo registry tweak. regedit /s %wpipath%common\undo.reg REM Cleaning up the desktop. REM del /s/q "%userprofile%\desktop\*.lnk" REM Rebooting the sytem to finalize the installation process. REM shutdown.exe -r -f -t 30 -c "To finish installations WPI will now reboot in 30 sec..." exit :end And i added this to the WINNT.sif [GuiRunOnce] command5="%systemroot%\system32\wpi.cmd
  12. lol sorry map has to be Directory sorry for poor english so with 7zip i can make a sfx that can extract a dll somewhere? like blabla.dll to system32 ? Can you please give an example?
  13. nobody knows? i what the command line means now.. but where to put the files.. the whole map ? or just only the files in the map..
  14. hi, can someone explain to me how i could make a cmd file that extracts a dll file to a certain map ? when RunOnceEx is installing the apps i want to extract a dll file to a map. i tried 7z, but i don't know the exact parameters to make a sfx thats extracting automatic to a certain map. could someone help me with it? thx anyways
  15. I have these 2.. REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "MSN Messenger" /f REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\MsnMsgs.msi /qn /norestart REG ADD %KEY%\006 /VE /D "MSN Messenger Plus!" /f REG ADD %KEY%\006 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\MsgPlus.exe /SilentInstallNoSponsor
  16. Can someone help me please? cause I don't understand a thing of the post installer tutorial well, i'll explain. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to either * A temporary folder for editing * If you're NOT installing everything from CD, then extract into $OEM$\$1\Install * If you are installing from CD, then extract it to a folder in your Windows Setup Source. Keep in mind, this is a REPLACEMENT for a normal method such as RunOnceEX and batch scripting, and so in that respect it will be called by Setup in the same manner. If you want to install everything at first logon, then read up on how Batch Scripting is executed. SO, when i extract the zip, there's a map in it.. do i need to put the whole map in the $OEM$\$1\Install map? or just whats inside of the map.. Then it says it's a replacement for the RunOnceEx(what i use) so, i need to delete that file? and then what to put in the cmdlines.txt ? Sorry if i'm stupid but i want to use the post-installer.. and I can't figure out how to do it.. and this one: The box COMMAND 1 is where you will enter then actual instruction to execute the setup program. This can be copy pasted from batch script or RunOnceEX. If taken from RunOnceEX, you ONLY want to copy the portion that is within the quotes. so they mean like this?: "%systemdrive%\install\zaSuiteSetup.exe /s /i /noreboot /lickey <key> ? Hope i'm not wasting your time
  17. hi, i use this and it works: REG ADD %KEY%\007 /VE /D "ZoneAlarm" /f REG ADD %KEY%\007 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\zaSuiteSetup.exe /s /i /noreboot /lickey <whoops> REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 2 /D "regedit /S %systemdrive%\install\zonealarm.reg" /f Plz remove your license key it's against the rules.
  18. ok it seems to work on a virtual pc, BUT.. msn and msn plus are not installing, he shows hes installing like installing firefox and stuff.. but when in windows.. i can't find it anywhere and i installed it on a real pc, (old one) and then i get a error of 7z, do i need to put something from 7z on my cd? and i tried it again(format and so one), and it shows the same error.. and an error that says msn installer is not found someone help? do i need to add something on RunOnceEx so i give the apps the time to install or something?
  19. hi, Does some of you know how to install msn 7.5 with RunOnceEx ? hope so cause /qb doesn't work
  20. Thx, i'll search my a** off right now Daemon Tools Switch: /qn /Reboot=Suppress Full syntax: daemon.msi /qn /Reboot=Suppress Extraction needed: Yes Key: "Extraction Needed" - Some applications need be extracted to access a number of files inside. Use WinRAR or a compatible extraction software to extract. So, i need to extract the msi(using z7)? but where to put the files then? in the same folder where the msi is? or.. am i thinking real wrong now
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