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Everything posted by DamonP

  1. From what I tested, there seems to be some dependancies within Windows Defender for MUI packs. All I can tell is that I tested with and without WD on the image, and language packs installed just fine with WD on. However, they'd fail exactly at the same point you mention if I take WD out.
  2. Now that I think of it... it would still be nice to have a tweak to disable the initial performance measuring WITHOUT taking out WinSAT (so you could have WinSAT measuring performance at a later time you'd choose). What are the chances to see this in future vLite releases? Good? Slim? None?
  3. The problem with release dates and ETAs is that you always end up being rushed by those, and you ultimately end up screwing what could be a nice product. So I think Nuhi's doing the right thing by not spoiling us with release dates or ETAs. He releases when he releases. Besides, it's always a pleasant surprise!
  4. You can fit 700 MB, which means 700 * 1024 * 1024 bytes. Period.
  5. Actually, you should calculate 700MB as (700 * (1024*1024)), since there are 1024 bytes in a kilobyte, and 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte. You'll get 734003200, which is basically what windows reports. The 1507328 bytes difference is for the CDFS filesystem, I can only assume.
  6. Not to sound like a jerk, but I'd think this sort of talk isn't tolerated around these parts of town...
  7. Indeed, respect is quite useless nowadays. Way easier to bicker on how people do things in ways other than yours.
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