Hello, Its been a long time since ive visited the site here, I have been trying to learn as much as possible, so I can make my own sigs, studying photoshop, I just cant get the hang of it, plus I dont have that much time since Iam in the Army, They Army sure does keep you busy. Anyways, I wanted to see if someone can make me 2 quick sigs for me. Here are the Requirements: 1.) Size: 375 X 135 2.) Text: Kicking a$$ and Drinking Beers ( not a$$, You know what I really want it to say.....LMAO) 3.) Font Type: You decide just as long as it cool looking 4.) Theme: Dosent matter, You decide. 5.) Border: If possible can however does these 2 for me plaese try to make a cool border. Maybe a border like these 2 examples, If its a problem dont worry about it. Here are the 2 pictures 1 for each sig: Thank you very very much. I really appreciate it. I will check back in a few days. Thanks again