well, like in http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/ i`ve created cd with nLite, so it made x:\$OEM$\ and it worked correct, but i can not guarantee because i am begginer and just started not long time ago
well, i`ve created style like in unattended tutorial. now the style works in my windows, but there is small problem: where the saved theme saves files? because installed windows does not supports the theme. thank you
ok thanks gunsmokingman, i got that;) but do i have to change shell32 with reshackers? because i`ve changed shortcuts with object desktop icon packager, so where does tnis sh.t puts them? thanks
sory, but i`m a little confused. so if i`m changing icons with object dock, then i can`t put it in to cd? and about shell32.dll: maybe the changed file should be in $OEM$ folder, then it would be changed correctly? Thank You, i am new in all this