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  1. In Windows XP, 2000, and 2003 there are several Registry files. These files are named without a file extension and are stored in the Windows\System32\Config folder. These files are named Software, System, SAM, Security, Default, and UserDiff. Google for president !
  2. I'm playing with WDS for winxp for a couple of days and this are my findings to make it unattended. There are 3 major parts: 1) Unattend the WinPE so you don't need to choise your language and the partitions are made automaticly. This is done via the WDSClientUnattend.xml file. 2) Unattend sysprep so Winxp doesn't start a Welcome setup. This incluce the winxp licence key... My major error was that I used factory and then reseal in sysprep. You should only use reseal with the option 'use mini-setup' on. 3) Specify a machinename and ou so the is joined to the domain. I have 1 and 2 working. If wanted I can write something more about 1 & 2. 3 is in 'try & error' phase. I'm experimenting with 'notify admin for unknow client' but I'm getting strange things. The client is showing up in my wsd console, I can give his a name (after I needed to solve a stupid access denied error) and the computer account is made in the OU I specified in WDS. But for some strange reason the clients now want a x64 boot image insteat of x32. If I uncheck 'notify admin' they take the x32... Oh of course there was a 'zero phase' the get my optiplex 755 nic's working with the boot.wim. The key there was to use the vista nic driver instead of the winxp. That alone took me couple of hourse to figure out...
  3. Yes, you can mount the images so you can edit the sysprep.inf file. Install WAIK if not done already. Open dos box via the Windows PE Tools Command Prompt shortcut. Then in the box: 1) Prepare: copype.cmd x86 c:\tempIMG 2) mount: imagex /mountrw %1 1 c:\tempIMG where %1 is the path to the image you want to change 3) edit the sysprep.inf in c:\tempIMG\sysprep 4) unmount : imagex /unmount /commit c:\tempIMG
  4. Your right, the .sif file(s) in the \templates are used by RIS. Yes you can have more than 1 .sif in templates. This way you can add different stuff in [GuiRunOnce] while using the same i386 source. Or making a .sif for AutoPartition (using the whole disk) and another .sif for manual partitioning. The .sif in \i386 can be ignore when you using RIS because it's used for making an unattended cd.
  5. Try adding : [RemoteInstall] Repartition=Yes UseWholeDisk=Yes in your .sif file. That's the way I'm using ris to wipe the hdd and installing on one partition.
  6. I always set the command shell as defaulf handler in for script via the 'cscript //H:cscript' command. In fact thats the first command in my own ris install script.
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