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Thanks to all of you! Should have Googled the problem myself but never thought that the Oki was the issue. I had tried to add the Oki as a wireless printer as this is the way it is connected in XP; wasn't having any luck configuring the port so just forgot about it. Removed the printer this morning and everything in Office 2000 is fully functional. Then got off my dead end and worked on solving the Oki network/wireless port issue - also solved. Now everything including the printer is fully Windows 7 compatible. Thank you all again - Larry.
Am running into a problem with Office 2000 install into Windows 7 Pro 32 bit; both Word and Excel load and come up for roughly 45 seconds and then I get the message “ Microsoft Word (Excel) for Windows has stopped working” with the option to check online for a solution which yields nothing and program closes. I have downloaded and installed SR1A (O2KSR1aDL) and SP3 (O2kSp3) with no joy; then did a “repair” and still no luck – same message. Problem detail below the message indicates “Fault Module Name: OPLP_UI.DLL”. Any suggestions? I have Enterprise 2007 but refuse to use it. As to hardware, I stuck with my old PC as I saw no reason to upgrade and “Windows 7 Performance” bears me out. Have an FX55 OC’d to 2.8 on a DFI Lanparty NF4 SLI Expert w/3GB PC 4200 and a 4850 Radeon graphics card. Thanks.
I'm running an NF4 SLI-DR Expert with an Opteron 165 @1800 MHz using Corsair Platinum matched pair CMX512-4000 PC3700 at 232 MHz 3-4-4-8 with no problems.
I have had limited succes in accomplishing what you are suggesting - sometimes it will work if the machine you are creating the ghost image on is absolutely stripped of ancillary hardware and the motherboards are the same manufacturer. I have not had luck ghosting a DFI mobo install to an MSI mobo machine.
Thanks to you all! I was not able to alter the login via "users passwords2" and resorted to "Control Panel>User Accounts" and received a message telling me that this function was disabled by "Client Services for Netware" and that it must be uninstalled. So, I went to "Add/Remove Programs" but Netware wasn't listed. I gave up for the time being and instead went to the UTweak It. UTweak It worked like a charm. However I would like to remove Netware anyway. I'm sure it loaded as part of my NVidia download. I use Microsoft for my network and Internet so I can't think of any reason to have Netware particularly if it could cause problems like this LogIn thing. Where would I find it for Uninstall purposes; a "Search" for files containing "netware" only comes up with netware.drv.? Thanks.
I recently did a fresh install of XP Pro and now find myself having to "LogIn to Windows"; my old installation did not require this. It slows down my booting into Windows and I'd like to get rid of it even if I have to re-install again. Any suggestions? Also attempted to use nLite to create a slipstream install disk; tried three times with all disks created yeilding failure as had a "corrupt usbehci.sys" file. I'm using a Dell OEM XP Pro disk and its fine just won't let me slipstream, any thoughts? Thanks.
I have an XP Pro OEM without SP2, will this update a fresh reinstall w/SP2 etc.? Thanks.
Went to "Run", browsed to Winword.exe then changed to Winword.exe/a; didn't work, tried Winword.exe-a and it didn't work either - am I missing something? Can't beleive that neither the repair or reinstall corrected this! Thanks
Suddenly I have lost my all of the toolbars from Word; can't even load a document. Have tried "repair" with no luck. Even uninstalled and reinstalled - same thing. Please help, I'm in school and have papers due yesterday. Thanks
Windows XP Pro Reinstall/Repair – When and Why?
LarryAllen replied to LarryAllen's topic in Windows XP
Takeshi and jheiibeck – thanks to you both! Takeshi, when I say I have redundant XP installs on both SATA drives, I meant just that. I create via Ghost, so we share the same thought process but the question goes back to the reinstall or repair destroying or damaging software on the same drive as XP; I wouldn’t want to Ghost an old image back after a reinstall/refresh – granted I’d get the software back but it would also overwrite the repaired XP. However, jheibeck, if I’m reading you right; I’m not apt to lose my software with a “repair”. No, I’m definitely not replacing the MoBo, just going to a dual core processor, same 939 socket; so a “repair” should be OK? Thanks again all! -
Windows XP Pro Reinstall/Repair – When and Why?
LarryAllen replied to LarryAllen's topic in Windows XP
bonestonne, as I mentioned, I am already redundant with other drives. My BIOS allows me to select which ever drive I want to boot from (I have XP installed on both SATA drives). My experience has been that when I change and boot from another drive, if I have made hardware changes, this is immediately picked up. So it seems to me that if I do a reinstall on one drive the other drive will not pick up the change, what I’d end up doing is going from drive to drive to access my software, e.g., all programs existing on the original drive would be lost due to the reinstall; they would still exist on the second drive but I would have to go to it to access. Thanks, LarryAllen -
Windows XP Pro Reinstall/Repair – When and Why?
LarryAllen replied to LarryAllen's topic in Windows XP
bonestonne – will be either x2 4400, x2 4800 or Opteron 165. I’ve been advised that the x2’s will require installation of both the AMD Dual Processor download and the Optimizer followed by a Windows repair. I have received no similar advice as regards the Opteron relative to downloads or “repair”, e.g. it’s PnP – curious given it’s dual core as well. As to the “repair”; do I have a risk of loss? I have XP redundant on the second drive but if a repair is req’d to run the new chip, the redundant version won’t be any good, e.g. the backup would be rendered worthless by the chip update. Bottom line is that I’m backed up to the maximum but what good is it if chip renders all unusable? PS – I’m not referring to data, which I know will be OK, and is for the most part located on other drives. The frequent “new/fresh” install requirement seems unacceptable. It’s hard to believe that this is a requirement although I would concede that the installation gets glommed up over time due to accumulation of garbage (partial deletion of installed software, Internet garbage. etc.) – however, this is my fault not XP’s. If the purpose of a fresh install is to just eliminate this, I can live without it; prior to beginning to backup and restore frequently I lost my OS hard drive; it took literally weeks to bring XP and my software packages back up to the point of the loss – I would not knowledgably do this again via a “fresh” install. Thanks, LarryAllen -
I’ve been curious for a while by many references advising XP users to try a “Reinstall” or even suggest a “Repair” when they encounter a problem or have installed new hardware or software which potentially was causing a problem. I’ve even seen Forum users (here and elsewhere) asking each other how often they do a fresh install as if this is a daily exercise for some. Exactly why are these procedures performed? In my specific circumstance, I am entertaining going to an XP or Dual Core Opteron and in most cases one of the finishing touches suggested in Forums is to is to run a “Repair” after the installation of the new chip. My concern is this. It seems to me that a Repair “Might” and a fresh Reinstall “Would” necessitate the reinstallation of all of my other software resident on the “C” XP boot drive; my further concern is that I have other software installed on additional drives but accessed via XP on the “C” drive ("Programs" directory) and it would seem that this mapping would get destroyed. So I guess this is a multi-part question: 1) Am I going to have to do a Reinstall or Repair associated with the chip upgrade; and 2) Am I going to have to reinstall all of my software that is referenced through XP (e.g. the “Programs” directory on “C”).
ripken204, taking it from the top – none of the 8 pins on the WD are jumpered; the driver being used for the WD is Microsoft (I am unable to update this to anything else); my board has SATA pins not slots – per manufacturer the 4 orange use the Nvidia SATA II controller, the 4 yellow use the Silicon Image controller. I am using an Nvidia pin for this drive. It has been suggested to me that the problem may lie with my BIOS which would really be ugly as I’m shaky about flashing an update. Thank you for the input though, if you have any more suggestions, I’m all ears (I envy you the DFI board, it was really my first choice when I built this machine but I was in a hurry and ended up with the MSI).
After much hassle, I was finally able to successfully install the Nvidia Sata controller driver version 5.10.2600.666 dtd 4/24/2006 which is now driving both of my SATA drives. My WD2500KS, a SATA II drive, is listed as the drive on the Primary Channel (connected to SATA Pin 1 on my MOBO). Within Device Manager the properties of this Primary Channel list the transfer mode as “Serial ATA Generation 1 - 1.5G; the drop down allows selection of Sata II which I have attempted to select. This selection requires a reboot. I have attempted this many times and every time after reboot I am still left with the transfer mode for this drive as being Sata Generation I. I believe the issue may lie with the driver being used for the WD2500 itself which is listed in Device Manager as being Microsoft 5.1.2535.0 dtd. 7/1/2001. I know that when I installed the Nvidia drivers a caution Window opened advising that the IDE SW Driver would be installed; I have attempted to use “Update Driver” to replace the Microsoft driver by directing the driver search to my Nvidia Update 6.86 Folder. I am consistently advised that the installed driver is the most current and directed to accept or search again. Further when I use the Windows “Search” to find the IDE SW driver, it is not found which is perhaps why I am unable to “Update” the driver for this hard drive. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get the WD2500 into a SATA II transfer mode? By the way, no jumpers are used on the WD drive itself as WD says this is the default jumper setting for SATA II.