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About baobao722

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  1. find out the codes: content=rcbmp(100,0,0,1024rp,768rp,1,0) 1024rp.768rp stands for your image size. Finally, you should convert your image to 256 colors Enjoy it.
  2. you should resize it in uufile. Search 100 and edit codes. for example, 29r,29r stands for width and height
  3. I found anthoer thing, which windows can recognize the hacked file. The hacked logonui is not protected by windows file protection. General speaking, logonui should be protected by WFP, so I think windows has recognized the logonui has been hacked. I dont know whether windows calls another programe instead of logonui ,when OS starts. Wheter differnet user has different logonui process??
  4. Yesterday, I DIY my favourite logon screen. I put it in \system32 and it worked perfectly. Then I made it to the cab file and copy it into the i386 in WINXP ISO. I used this ISO which was revised to install the OS by VMWARE, but the problem came out. when the os logon on, it show it's oringinal screen. I checked the logonui.exe ,and to my surprise, the logonui.exe was also one which I had hacked. By the way, I also check my registry, UIHOST value is %windir%\system32\logonui.exe what should I do ??another file needs to hack?
  5. Yes, I added it.But it did not work.... By the way, did the theme need to add to the registration? Example: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "WallPaper"="C:\\Windows\\Web\\Wallpaper\\Bliss.bmp"
  6. I used Nlite to integrate windows sp 2 build 2180 and patch the uxtheme.dll. I wanna use my favourate theme, and put it (mine.theme) into $oem$\$$\system32\resoures\themes\ At the same time, I added codes to the winnt.sif [shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile = "%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\mine.theme" But after I finished installing XP. it did not work. I did know why. Someone else gives me some suggestions. Thanx.
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