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Posts posted by mritter

  1. WHy would you want to? I assume you are installing from the desktop?

    The nature of the program is to see what is being installed and if successful or not. And if it locks up or not.

    If hidden how will you know what is going on?

    Give me a reason to convince me of looking into this feature.

  2. I do understand you. 8.1.0 just looks at the error code more closely now so it can do other things with it. Like tell you a reboot is needed (but not required) to finish installation. I am trying to get out of you what you want it to say instead of Failed.

    Warning. (in yellow)

    Success (in yellow instead of red)

    Not fully installed

    Reboot required to finish


    Success and Failed is just too cut and dry. Other people need to more about what is going on.

  3. I assume that means "Failed...". Right now, no. I has been brought up before but is very strict.

    Return code 0 is always success.

    Return code 1 is failed, but not always a good reason why.

    Return code 3010 is success but not done installing. So put what? And this will be different for all other programs. This is what Microsoft uses.

    So if not 0 or 1, what would be the text?

  4. I'm not 100% sure what you are getting at, but the entries will show up in all configurations. When you pick one from the drop down box it then checks/unchecks the items accordingly. The entries are not hidden if not in the chosen configuration. Just selected or not selected.

    Look at them as a shortcut to pick everything a work computer needs, or what a home computer needs, with one big config file. You still have to do conditions for 32/64 bit CPUs.

    v8.2.0 has a new feature to help simplify this. Should be out soon.

  5. The error codes have always been there. Now you can do something with them.

    You don't have to reboot if you dont want to. The installer package is just letting you know one is needed.

    Look at your log codes and if you want use the new function in Config Wizard. It's usually only needed when multiple installers for same program are needed. Like the main program then updates. Scripts are the main use for this new function.

  6. It's not a WPI error code, it is from the installer package.


    A restart is required to complete the install. This does not include installs where the ForceReboot action is run. Note that this error will not be available until future version of the installer.

    Google it.

    From the ChangeLog.txt:


    New to the Config Wizard -> Details tab -> Return code requires reboot.

    This function allows for a script, or program, to be run multiple times

    with reboots in between. For example, you could have a script that

    creates a new user, exit code for reboot, set user's network settings,

    exit code for reboot, do some more stuff, exit code 0 for done.

    If you have the "Repeat command until other code is returned" WPI will

    restart at the same command. Else it will continue on to the next item.

    The reboot code can not be 0 or 1.

    There are now new warning image and sound files, and a css entry for it

    with yellow text. The default ones have been copied to all themes.


    Set it so if get that code, WPI will reboot.

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