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Everything posted by sweept

  1. I'm looking to build a new PC. something that ranges from good performance to *better*... (for all over-all computer purposes..) the main factor of this -buy is also to find the best combo\part's of value for an average standard price and also that the total price won't get to be too expensive. So for 1 what is a good CPU & Motherboard combination suggested to date .. * a CPU that uses good benchmark specs and off-course a Motherboard that can support & take good advantage of those specs.. * what other recommended specific PC parts would make noticeable difference to boost the over-all PC performance.. or just important to mention : in order to keep out and away from unreliable or poor parts getting into the combo.. * any lnks to web pages.. that keep close and recent updates regarding to this sort of info will be great ... first hand opinions are most welcome! of course! TIA
  2. so far this worked perfectly for me .. thanks again!
  3. first-of thanks for the help guys Had problems posting lately &thanks is due... now to further refine Yzöwl's code that worked here in batch : from the current batch output result * how to omit just the "\target.file" (from the right end of the line & so that only the path folder directory is shown.) thanks
  4. I need a batch that will tell the targets path from dragging a lnk file on to it ... thanks
  5. thanks gunsmokingman I was leaning towards somehing that allows adding any commands I wanted with no conditions with an sfx I can then easilly place the "settings.ini" along any other files I needed.. the Dialog simply gives a Choice as what to run out of 2 options set in Group1 & Group2 for optimizing the command line the script could auto pend "cmd /c " to the begining of each command Mysettings.ini Main Prog Title:"" Title Group1:"Tweaks" Group1 Description Ballon Tip:"this Option will add some minor tweaks that includes:...." [Cmmands1] "start.bat" "copy /y regTweaks %windir%" "%windir%\regTweaks.reg /s" Title Group2:"revert to Defaults" Group2 Description Ballon Tip:"this option will restore settings prior to using the ^"Tweaks option^" and attempt to remove any files and additional setting it has created" [Cmmands2] "start.bat" "restore.reg /s" added to this a [Quick automatic logoff\logn to the same user] Button and perhaps 2 more: [Apply] [Exit] Buttons and that is all for now I'll try the above script to make it work specifically to what I need as I need it for applying a swift change in settings how can I add to this a box that offers automatic log off & log on to the same account ... TIA
  6. hi Im looking to have a simple simple dialog box that can work with a simple ini file with parameters that runs with builtin hidec ... in appearance the dialog will similarly look like the "yes" "no" click options where each button carry out commands accordingly to what i place in the ini settings where each left \ right arrow buttons are distinguished-with a title as given the ini settings [<=] [=>] [left-side] title = "apply tweaks" command="cmd /c %windir%\tweaks.reg /s" [Right-side] title = "switch to defaults" command="cmd /c %windir%\Default.reg /s" mmm and one more button that can do a quick log off then log on to the same account from where the command was first initiated off all this preferably and eventually compiled to an exe ... TIA
  7. I installed wAIK for windows 7. Vlite doesn't see that ... I'm not going to uninstall the win 7 wAIK so I will look for more options, ..what other tools to help customize & compatible with win 7 any ideas are welcome .. thanks
  8. is there any special scripts written that can help change .js script to exe ? (or other guided web based tools that can help with conversions, compilers , etc) there are some pay product that say they offer conversion but mostly are misleading with this conception. when all they offer is something that is just making an "sfx.exe" that extracts and runs the very same script you feed into it... regardless, I'm curious if there are any good scripts that do language conversion ?, which\what language would be the most similar to .js what is considered a good language script that can be compiled to independent exe's other then anything that will need .NET ,scripting host, or use and need to many runtimes or simply none I'm guessing these questions may seem a bit general or off topic to some advanced coders that have better knowledge or experience with many coding languages 1 on 1 daily raising more questions similar to the above or any other feedback on the topic: are mostly welcome ranging from advanced to new-bee's users, of course! thanks
  9. is the this link accessible,or is it just me having a problem for the second day now http://www.wincert.net
  10. ...I think the option for changing usernames should be skinned into the boards script under (my controls) to have more options like: 1) a 24 hour dead line time for the actual change - allows the user to decline any username change during a 24 hour ... 2) any new change to the "user's name" during that time will start a new count for extra 24 hours.. * once 24 hours have passed and not tampered with then only will the new name take the place over the old one. 3) the control for changing the user name grays out or vanishes from the "controls" for six months ... to avoid abuse.
  11. great work! only thing i immediately noticed is that the first letters are a bit touched out of the frame and that the picture account should link to the user accounts control panel (perhaps maybe) thanks
  12. when about removing Drivers ( you can poorly remove anything using the "safe" preset) can any one offer a good update to what "keep file" should include in reference to what files nlite shouldn't remove for each removal or certain group presuming you want to remove more and still get it safe
  13. Im still looking for some launcher tool to help pass on argument to verdict what operation should get carried out later inside a batch file. like copy move in windows , when the default function is diverted .. using drag and drop in windows wile ctrl or shift key are held .. what im looking for specifically is to have a configuration pre-made as settings for a launcher that can launch a specific executable file right after a file would be dragged upon it wile as holding a key! or not it will get the key that was held accordingly to the configuration file ini settings in (what file to execute) since I need it for one Key it can be Either SHIFT or CTRL (whatever ) finally it will execute the executable with the result .. start executable.exe:%ERORRLEVEL% it will be great if some one can make it thanks in advance
  14. i tried fedit fedit -add -once -f test.inf -s addreg -l "please","use",quotes,"Yes" result: please,use,quotes,Yes no "quotes" it seems the author wasn't around since mid 2006 to help with this if anyone knows of a good alternative for this, then please let me know TIA
  15. yes IcemanND I want to reuse them a second time pass them on to the next batch.bat that can use the same ones as inherited regardless to what they are ... in theory it needs to retrieve 1 2 3 and some how pass them on initiating the next batch2.bat thanks
  16. how is it possible to reseed %1 %2 %3 so its becomes possible to reuse them as %1 %2 %3 for starting a new batch thanks
  17. I'm looking for a command that will alllow adding a new line after any "string" instance found in some line or part... in some file.txt looking for a matching "string" in file.txt then adding a new line after where "string" was found with a new line: "this is a new line" set line = "string" SET lineAdd = "this is a new line" what command can be composed to get this done ... TIA for any help
  18. this isn't working for me with -a switch wile -b switch seems to work just fine. now I'm puzzled with this tool do you need to specify the whole line to match or a partly matched will do ? what ever i did it did work with the -b switch so this question is a bit pointless does it work for any of you guys if it does use what command? TIA
  19. trying to fedit -add -once -f file.txt -a(fter) "this line"-l "this text" or am i doing it wrongly ??
  20. allow me to emphasize that the goal has been reached & for what i needed of course so the the 2 extra suggestions I had are maybe good in helping it become more of a qualified unix command line tool which i definitely wouldn't mind but i can do without those side features added for now. thanks again for the help i think you guys do amazing work
  21. crahak i tried it out in various ways and it works perfectly. finally there is a tool that can do a simple conversion without needing to look for combination ways or shareware tools, that still don't offer the simple conversion of getting the lines correct, the capital to none capital correct in translations .etc not to mention the padding aspect what infact makes me sorry I'm not knowledgeable enough for coding , but Im happy proud and appropriative for the great help that went on this one... there might be 2 things that comes to mind as to what exceptions this probably will need * something for making quotes exceptional so it can have an output if needed maybe by having a back slash attached to it \" so it outputs " \" = " or any other workaround to adjust this as to padding I'd keep it simple by giving it some additional switch to have \no padding since the 16 bit "00" padding is default right now i think it pretty much serves what i was looking for exactly! turned out to be a real gem. !
  22. Mijzelf thats perfect now, great programming thanks ! crahak the padding part can be optional & predefined just so so the tool is more flexible limiting it to do certain extra padding in patterns may help as well text2hex.exe /p"00" strings.txt > Hex.txt returns "00" paddings + the others from here: http://www.swingnote.com/tools/texttohex.php this can be a simply good converter tool with the convert between quotes feature and the option to have the output padded as needed .... thanks again for all the help, guys
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