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Everything posted by Skye

  1. I've been trying to connect my tv to my laptop and I'm sure there's a way to do it with patch cords and s-video, but I haven't been successful with it. What kind of program do I need to make this work?
  2. Hi all! Question: What is Crystal Decisions? and do I need it?? Love this forum! Very informative and helpful!
  3. Thanks for the screensaver password thing -- never noticed it was checked! thanks again, for the cmd thing on start -- never knew about that either! I musta been thinking about the MSDOS command/icon on my old system. re: PC-cillin -- it's the 2006 version... and task scheduler has worked up to about a week ago when i started getting the tasks didn't run message. something changed - not sure what.
  4. I just posted a questions but thought this one should be separate -- too many questions!! Where is my msconfig program file supposed to be located? Mine is in folder PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries, but I also have one in the I386 file with a ".EX_" extension. How is it supposed to be configured? Mine has Selective Startup selected with a check mark beside both the "Process System. ini file" and the "Load System Services"; I'm not sure why Selective Startup is selected -- suspect it's because I have disabled MusicMatch from running (I think MM is a computer hog and extremely annoying) there is a square green block in both the "Process Win.Ini File" and the "Load Startup Items"; the "Use Original Boot.ini" button is selected. Under the Boot.INI tab, there are no boot paths selected and a timeout of 30 secs.; under the Startup tab, all are checked except Spysweeper and ONE NvCpl (there are two with identical paths). There are also two DSAgnt with identical paths (program files\Dell Support\DSAgnt.exe\startup) -- why two? Thanks in advance for help - suggestions - and patience!
  5. Hi everyone! Happy Saturday! Two questions: First, I seem to be missing my msdos program (I recall the little msdos icon that used to be there - not there anymore) - can I get that back? how? Second, I get a message when I turn on my computer that some scheduled tasks didn't run because the service wasn't running(?) yet in my services list, task scheduler is on automatic -- so what's up with that? I don't even know what task isn't running... suspect it's my Trend PC-cillin antivirus software. Lastly, when my computer has been idle for a few minutes, it locks up, i.e., I get a popup that asks for my password and then I have to click "unlock" and then it goes right back to where it was before locking up. How can I stop that from happening. Title edited -- Please, use [TAGS] in your topic's title. --Sonic
  6. I have no clue how all this got on my machine. Could you please tell me how you disabled it?
  7. Did we ever get an answer to this question? I have had the same problem for a long time and it has wreaked havoc on my machine!! I am supposed to be running Windows XP SP2, but it seems that Windows NT has taken over! I also have ASPNET, NETframework 1 and 2, not to mention something running in the background called "Sample" that I cannot find anywhere, which I have to end manually by clicking the "end now" box everytime I shut down. I have tried to delete it via add/remove programs, but to no avail... can someone please tell me how to get rid of all this crap, keeping in mind that I know precious little about manipulating programs by editing the registry. I have searched the microsoft website for help to uninstall SQL but the only thing I can find is how to use it but I don't WANT to use it -- I want it to go away!! This is a stand alone computer; no networking; no remote access; no web page building; just me and my little laptop -- the sad part is, I just don't know how to make it that way!! Apparently, I'm the only one in the world who has only one computer in the house without the need nor the desire for any kind of network! I believe my life would be complete if I could find the solution to this most annoying problem! Thanks for any helpful suggestions!
  8. Whenever I shut down/hibernate I get the 'end program' box that says ".... if you chose to end now you will lose all unsaved information" The thing is, I have no idea what the program is - all it says is "Sample". It is not listed anywhere in my programs and I can't find the process (I even took it down to the geek squad and he couldn't find it either). How can I find out what this is so I can either delete it or fix it. What the @%$#$% is it??? Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on. --Zxian
  9. Thank you so much for your reply eidenk -- I will definitelyl give this a try -- but first, I guess I'd better get my XP problem straightened out. Apparently, I need to backup all my files and re-install XP.... which is fine, except I bought a box of DVD RW disks ( and they guy at Best Buy said they would work!), which I am now reading on the microsoft website, that XP does not work with the DVD RWs! ... and by golly, they're right... my computer keeps saying to put a disk in drive E, when the bloody thing is already in there! what a royal pain! did you ever wonder --- where will it all end --- so many computers, so many bugs, worms, viruses, problems, and no visible means of support from those that sell us these devices .... at least not unless you pay them --- there they stand, with their hands out - again! I didn't see the "WARNING" label on my computer when I bought it that said I would need to learn a new language, decipher various previously unheard of acronyms and spend good money after bad trying to keep the thing in working order ---- did you??? Thanks for letting me vent a bit!
  10. It's an IBM with Intel Pentium III -- I don't know enough about operating systems to tell you anything else. Guess I should put it in the shop?? The things I want to back up contain word perfect documents, music and pictures. There are just so many questions I have about this computer... it would take forever to list them all, but the one basic question I have is -- what should the network configurations be so that I don't get the error message about "....the computer I'm dialing into doesn't recognize me . . . "; and so that I can make this computer forget about networking and be a stand alone computer and dial up my ISP and connect me to the internet? I know that everyone out there is familiar with the term "frustration" when it comes to computer problems, so please forgive me if I seem frustrated. As it is, I currently only have access to a computer while at work (because my laptop has modem problems so IT won't connect to the internet either!) My other option at home is an old webtv, but it won't let me post in this forum. Did I mention my frustration with this whole scenario? Thanks for any help you can offer with regards to the networking config. - what boxes need to be checked, which ones don't, etc. If it's easier maybe someone could point me to a website with that info. After I get the modem problem taken care of in the laptop, I will have more opportunity for discussing my Windows ME problem. For tonight, I'm off work now and I'll be leaving here, so even though I'll be able to read forum posts on my webbie, I won't be able to respond until tomorrow!!
  11. This is my first post to this forum; I have multiple questions regarding Windows ME. A computer with Windows ME OS was given to me. It was previously a second computer to a home network. I want a stand alone platform and would like to know if and how I can re-configure the network configuration settings. I use a dial-up connection and at present, I cannot connect to the internet; receive error 691 message (the computer you are dialing into cannot establish a Dial-Up networking connection. Check password and try again). I think the registry has been tampered with and is messed up. Is there a system backup that I could run that would restore missing files and settings? Will it reset the registry? Alternatively, if I purchase a Windows ME software program, can I start from scratch and re-install the whole thing without losing data? Another problem is the resolution settings. It is set to the lowest setting(640x480) and when I try to change it to 800x600, it won't do it. It's quite possible this machine has a worm/virus. It's been sitting idle for about a year so there are no doubt various upgrades required. Is there hope for ths computer? Any help in getting this thing up and running would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
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