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Everything posted by CoolFinalFan

  1. ok thanks for the advice!! Was wondering what examples of new WINDOWS exponents could be installed? Am Splitting into tow folders and putting it on a cd-rw, after I go buy more, thought I had a few blanks! LOL! Thanks again!! CFF
  2. Alright, Can I put them in a zip file and just leave that in C: > It's like way to big to put on a disc.!!
  3. wow never seen that before, go figure!! LOL! Will look into this for sure!!
  4. What and why is this here in C:\I386 , it has alot of files , even some of them look like they are duplicates of files in C:\WINDOWS?? The size > 808 MB . Can I get rid of them? Can I delete the file? Thanks!!
  5. Hey there everyone from Myrtle Beach, SC USA. Joined back in November and have been busy so now I'll be coming around more to gain more knowledge and also share some!!
  6. Got a question that I even tried to look up on Google and didn't get that many results in searching! Wha is > DIGRegEx ?? I'm thinking it's got something to do with MSN 9.0 & or something with Microsoft. Thanks! CFF
  7. Hello, and welcome here, I'm new here also, and this place looks like it'll be informative!!!
  8. Hello everyone, CoolFinalFan here, from Myrtle Beach, SC USA. Glad to be aboard!!
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