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Posts posted by Gast

  1. ty jaclaz and blub

    i have tryed with the fat32 on a huge 160gb ntfs hd

    after the fdisk execution.. first scan.. after this.. and the prompt for use or not all the disk (obv i say not) another scan of the whole disk.. after this.. i have turned off the pc: it was a bit slow :}

    isn't' there a chance to use.. for example a trick for the recovery console? (it starts but it doesn't execute the winnt.exe file :unsure: )

    i think that the command prompt is better versatile for a multiboot disc , but unhappy there's this issue :(

    the method reported in this forum seems to be pretty complicated and less versatile

    ty again for any further suggestion

  2. ty

    no is a ntfs problem :(

    seems to be impossible to install, from a dos shell, win, to a ntfs partition :(

    the better way i have founded is create and install win on a fat32 partition smaller than 32 gb :(

    any further suggestion?

  3. :(

    using a win98 boot file (tryed too another one found on the net, declared able to start an xp install), i receive this error:

    install internal error
    cannot create a swap file
    cannot continue, press return to exit

    HELP! :unsure:

  4. u have understand my really bad english .. :blushing:

    so can i use the old win98 "rescue" floppy, insert it like a boot file with a burnin program and.. from there launch the win2k/xp setup like like the old 98?


    ps: the second link doesn't works

    (avevo il dubbio perche' leggevo in giro di hexeditor e affini per fare un multiboot, sistema un po incasinato a prima vista. :) ... Grazie! )

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