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Everything posted by PxeBoot

  1. Problem solved... the problem was 20 inches from the screen. A week ago I installed RIS (Remote Installation Service) on the Server just for testing and forgot all about it. But very wierd it did not show that port as taken by RIS. Ohh well, the binding works fine now. If you get this problem there is something locking that port.
  2. Hi, I have a question and its regarding creating a Socket that listens on the port 67 on a Windows 2003 Server. My problem is that as soon as I use the port 67 I get the following Exception: "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions" I dont have the DHCP Server service installed, I have even run a sniffer on the interface and port 67 is not used by the OS. The following is my code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- objSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); //a socket that listens for udp packets. objSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 67)); //Failes when executed with the message mentioned above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is these anybody out there that can tell my why this port is locked? And is there anyway around this problem, something to note is that the server is part of an Active Directory domain and I do know if a DHCP server is installed on a Server in an AD the DHCP server has to be authorized to run... question is now if this is the problem then how do I manually authorize my server to allow Socket binding on port 67. I would appriciate any suggestions. thanks
  3. I've got the BartPE to work with RIS....but I'm still interested to find out a bit more about how the boot process works...file by file. I would appriciate any input!
  4. Hi, I had the exact same problem but I was using the WIN2003 SP1 as source for the .ISO but you also have to make sure the BOOT Files that RIS uses are from Windows 2003 Server SP1. NTDECTECT.COM NTLDR (aka SETUPLDR.EXE) STARTROM.COM I got the blank screen when these files was from Windows XP Pro SP2 setup files. Of course the BARTPE.ISO has to be WIN2003 SP1 as well. Hope this helps!
  5. I think I have this problem, basically the screen goes blank (Black) after it says INSPECTING YOU HARDWARE CONFIGURATION...bla...bla bla But on the page you link to they haventrelased the hotfix for download? Where can I donwload it? Thanks
  6. Thanks, I knew the thing about the setupldr.exe being the same as the NTLDR file, I just want to know how they relate to each other and what it does. Basically when the client boots from the PXE server, what file is the first to be downloaded and run....then what files does this file start until the actual BartPE image is run. Also how does the PXE server know what files to send, does the PXE Client see the ROOTDIR as a viritual directory after that the PXE Server and the Client has created a session. Or that any files requested on the PXE client are automatically being redirected to the RIS server to be send over if they exist in the ROOTDIR. And last what does each file do? I hope this clears up my question a bit. I'm trying to understand the boot process from a technical point. I will read the help file you mentioned. thanks
  7. Hi, I'm would like to get a good explanation of the following files needed to PXE boot a BartPE using RAM disk with RIS as the PXE Server. Ntdetect.com startrom.com setupldr.exe winnt.sif (I know what the file is for but would like an explanation of the variables inside the file, expersially %INSTALLPATH% and %MACHINETYPE%. What order are they used? How do they relate to each other? What do they do? Thanks appriciate any help!
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