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Posts posted by averagecdn

  1. I have a Windows 2000 computer that is running office 2k with outlook 2k. When I close out of Outlook it hangs with the message "Please wait while microsoft outlook exits". Anyone have any idea how to get rid of this message.



    Please close this thread.

  2. You may also want to delete the following registry values:


    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\System\DNSclient\\NV PrimaryDnsSuffix

    Those keys do not exist.


  3. I have been getting the below error on a Windows XP computer. Anyone have any ideas?

    Attempt to update HOST Service Principal Names (SPNs) of the computer object in Active Directory failed. The updated values were 'HOST/cd102' and 'HOST/CD102'. The following error occurred:

    The parameter is incorrect.

    * Title edited *

    Please, use [TAGS] in your topic's title.

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  4. The current hardware setup is DSL MODEM >SMC ROUTER> SERVER ( DUAL HEAD CARD) > SWITCH> client computers. I am trying to stay away from ICS I would like to configure it alone with networking. I realize this is probably the harder way of doing it but I believe you never learn anything by taking the easier route..

  5. Ok I have a Windows SBS 2003 Server with a dual head intel network card. 1 port is configured for internal network access and the other is configured for Internet Access. The ip address of the internal connection is ( static ip setting) and the internet is (dhcp from SMC router I have configured DNS to use for the client computers and then the forwarder is setup to go to the ISP DNS servers. The DHCP is setup with a scope from - 192.1682.175. In this scope the DNS is and the Default Gateway is the Internet port ( The client computers are unable to access the internet. I have tried pinging things past the internal network and nothing responds. I have pinged the router and I have tryed to ping (Internet Port) with no response. If someone anyone can provide some assistance it would be greatly appreciated...

    Thanks Mark


  6. There was no clarification from the original post about anything other than than the chipset. Yes of course you will need to "bake in" all the other possible drivers and edit the PNP Driver paths. However you can narrow down exactly what drivers are being used so that if you have 3 devices that all use the same driver by viewing the SETUPAPI.log. Instead of loading 3 drivers you can load 1 driver that will support all the other hardware.

  7. As long as you are staying within the same chipset manufacturer there is nothing special that needs to be done because the chipset driver it loads will be an intel chipset driver (ICHxxxx). Unless this image is being brought into an Active Directory network. In this case to prevent problems related to duplicated SID's then you will need to sysprep

    If its Windows XP it would be sysprep -quiet -reseal.

  8. I have 4 computers that when they logon to the network take forever to logon the machines are Windows XP at least @ Service Pack 1 and some are @ service pack2. Does anyone know why the machines seem to take so long to go through the logon process? I have reloaded a couple of the computers and this does not seem to solve this problem.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


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