While it seems a good idea, there are some flaws to the concept: For a lot of proggies, you need an answer file before you can do an unattended setup; you would need to create these files on beforehand or it won't run silently What if the download link is down? the utility needs to be able to cope with that, and the program won't be installed... If the download link changes, same thing. Program can't be installed. If, for some reasons, the network settings aren't correct, *nothing* will be installed. What if the link is something like http://site.com/down.php?id=345 » prolly won't download correctly. Ok, you said 'direct links', but maybe for some progs this is not available... But, don't let these comments hold you back on trying to make it. Hell, if you've done it, i"ll even test it out Just don't know how useful it would be. /edit: for the name, something logical like URI (unattended remote installer)?