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Everything posted by thecryptkeeper

  1. ive found a patching utill that works a treat thanks for all your help
  2. thanks for taht i tried the replacerlast night and it f**ked my system up so i had to re install windows ill give the rename a go
  3. and where can i get that?? i tried a direct coppy into c:\windows\system32 and i tried the same thing in safe mode
  4. now ive heard the code name longhorn but i neverrealy took any notice of the project can someone plese post a screen dump of ther "Vista" desktop so i can see what differances between WIN 98,WIN XP and vista ther are thanks
  5. hi i need to replace my uxtheme.dll with a hacked one but i carnt due to the file beeng used by windows can someone plese tell me how i can do this
  6. ok thatns for pointing theat out i must have overlooked that does the new oem folder go in the I386 dir or in the xp home dir?
  7. ther is a folder calld OEM do i create a folder in thier calld APPS and put the app install files in there?
  8. that dosent help a bit it says the oem folder ant in the I386 folder and it is so do i just put it in the i386 folder or in the sorce withe the i386
  9. thecryptkeeper


    hi im trying to get some apps to install when i install xp home edition ive been readin the MSFN Unatended guide but it does not tell me wher to put the app install programs here is a screen dump of thge sorce folder where should i create the folder for the apps?
  10. hi no im not running nlite on my system at the moment and evrything that runs under IE works Perfectly except WPI im running Windows XP Home Edit and the problame seems to be with the FSO file and with JAVA SCRYPT is the anyfing i cna do to solve this asap
  11. hi i downloaded the latest ver of wpi and it wont run all i get is a white screen and a s*** load of errors saying a file is null or missing can shoe one help me
  12. ok so what hapend to the project did it go tits up?>
  13. whats the big f***ing deall None of the f***in links work sorry for the bad language im just realy p***ed off can some one plese post a WORKING!!!!! link!!!!! PLESE
  14. hi first off im a complete n00b to all of this i downloaded xplode unreg ver and how do i use this app
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