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Everything posted by Djus

  1. I'll be using my x64 and x86 RTM , you can use the ones you have (retail, etc.), the procedure is the same. 1. Please download and install the Windows7 Automated Installation Kit (AIK). 2. Please create a working folder: c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\ and two more folders in it x86 and x64 3. Now, copy all the contents of your x86 DVD to the distribuition folder, in c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\ 4. Move the file named install.wim from c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\Sources to c:\Windows7AIO\Distriburion\x86 Delite all *.clg files from source folder!! And ei.cfg!! 5. Copy the file named install.wim from the Sources folder of your x64 RTM to the folder c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\x64 (only install.wim) 6. Now, with admin rights, open the Deployment Tools Command Prompt (click in Start/All programs/Microsoft Windows AIK) 7. We change directory to our working folder: Code: CD c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\Sources 8. OK, here's the tricky part. We are now about to export the images of each windows version to a single .WIM image file. The command to do this is IMAGEX.EXE. The syntax is as follows: Code: imagex /export c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\x86\install.wim 1 .\install.wim "Windows7 Home Basic x86" imagex /export c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\x64\install.wim 1 .\install.wim "Windows7 Home Basic x64" This is what the first line of code does: export Version 1 of the source image file named Install.wim located in the folder c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\x86 to the destination image file named Install.wim located in c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution. The number 1 corresponds to the Home Basic edition of Windows, take a look at the following table, for the SourceNumber and its corresponding Windows Edition: Number Windows x86Edition 1 Home Basic 2 Home Premium 3 Professional 4 Starter 5. Ultimate Number Windows x64Edition 1 Home Basic 2 Home Premium 3 Professional 4. Ultimate *there is no starter edition in x64! Thus, for example if we wanted to add the 64bit Ultimate version of Windows7 to our newly created image we type the following command: Code: imagex /export c:\Windows7AIO\Distribution\x64\install.wim 4 .\install.wim "Windows7 Ultimate x64" 9. Now that we've created our .WIM image file, let's create our ISO image file to make it ready to burn it to a DVD. To do this, still in the Deployment Tools Command Prompt window, we type: Code: oscdimg -n -bc:\Windows7AIO\distribution\boot\etfsboot.com c:\Windows7AIO\distribution c:\Win7_AIO.iso -m This will create an ISO file named Win7_AIO.iso in c:\ Delete x86 and x64 folder!!Delete al .clg files from your distribution folder!! Delete Ei.cfg!! Burn it with Nero on DVD and thats it! thx go to member chon's guide on on MSFN forum, that I modified to win7 Enjoy
  2. This method works with Windows 7, you need of course new Windows7 AIK. Thx for grate guide
  3. official __ftp.nero.com/software/Nero7/Nero-
  4. thx it works
  5. you could take a DVD R/W like I do.
  6. KAV 5 has a non extratcablle exe file! /S is working fine, no need for /N maybe to make a sfx.exe of folder Bases after update of av databases, and install it unattended after install of KAV.(not tested) ;The comment below contains SFX script commands Path=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal\5.0 SavePath Silent=1 Overwrite=1 key is to be inserted after install
  7. grate thx Djus
  8. @Mazin Hi I would like to install Acdsee603 without Fotocanvas and Fotoslate. Also without device detector and Archive plug-in (zip,rar) I have a moded Acdsee.msi thx Djus
  9. @Mazin Hi Could you help me with Acdsee603 plz?! I have a moded acdsee.msi and all works "fine", but I would like to remove: 1. only to install Acdsee, without Fotocanvas and Fotoslate. 2.install without archive plug-ins and Device detector. "fine" because its not silent, its only reged. Gui starts and I have to ...next bla bla...next... So is it posiblle to remove all this and make it full silent? thx Djus
  10. start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\isobuster\isobuster.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Applications\isobuster\isobuster.regexport [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Smart Projects] and save as isobuster.reg
  11. you dont copy it annywhere, click on "K" in the Tasbar it will open a window where you can import the key!
  12. disconect your Inet conection and install!!! I had the same prob first time
  13. sorry, didnt have time to test it. Ill report asap.
  14. thx Djus
  15. thx mazin, grate help as allways greetz Djus
  16. why the *.itw file the Acrobat6pro is allready installed?, and the update is just one *.exe file? by the way there is only a *.itw file for Acrobat Reader not for A.A.6Pro.
  17. Im using: start /wait msiexec.exe /p %systemdrive%\Install\Applications\AcroPro6\Ac60PrP1.msp REINSTALLMODE=omus REINSTALL=ALL /qb ERROR what is wrong with it? help Djus
  18. its working for me(without a key), but /S not /s
  19. I have no issues with installshield, all switches are working perfectly. I can install silent but I have to fill in the reg infos each time. (I install WinXP with all my apps on a DVD Unattended)
  20. Hi I have one prob, and thats how to include reg info in the setup.iss ? I install with setup.exe -R, all fine but I have to fill in all the reg infos every time Some time ago somebody gave up a statemant that he doesnt have to do that and that he has all in hes setup.iss, and I ask my self how is that posiblleß Because the *.iss file is allready finished at the moment the install is finished, and the reg process starst at firststart of programm - so ??? Or am i missing something help plz ps how to copy unattended my channel list "WinDVR3.chan" to : C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\InterVideo\WinDVR3 thx Djus
  21. it was my mistake, I tested it on a PC with installed SAV9. It works perfectly if renamed to SAV.msi. one apps more for my dvd unattended thx to all for help Djus
  22. that doesnt work at all! doesnt start with quotes, without comes an error (first one).
  23. OK I did that, and now it starts I put switch qb to see what happens. Error what now? thx Djus
  24. I newer put quotes for my other apps and all works fine. I did try with quotes and nothing happens, no error no nothing Last time it (same error)was a wrong name for the *.msi, but this time it isnt a modified *.msi - if you remember. I could send you the *.msi if you will its 4mb or so. greetz Djus
  25. I have extracted it and have now the *.msi file but wont work I use: start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\sav\Symantec AntiVirus.msi /qn RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS Error: Djus
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