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Posts posted by beppemito
i want to put my 34 plugins for nero in
using winrar...
how can i do it with a self-extract archive?
can someone give me the COMMENT to insert in winrar?thanks
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hi, i can't view PNG images in internet explorer
if i try (for example) to view http://unattended.msfn.org/advanced/cosmetics/logon.htm i can't see images....i see a X...
why??there's a fix?thanks in advance...
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i've already SLIPSTREAMED 834707...
now where i put new 867282?
like this,before 834707?
KB867282.exe /q /n /z (not slipstreamed)
KB834707.exe /q /n /z (slipstreamed)
...or like this? after?
KB834707.exe /q /n /z (slipstreamed)
KB867282.exe /q /n /z (not slipstreamed)
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i've this in my HFINT:
can i delete this? why i've got 867282....
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i've this in my HFINT:
can i delete this? why i've got 867282....
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another question:
i had integrated 834707 using /integrate:<path>
now 867282 is out (witch is up to date than 834707)...how can i delete 834707 from svcpack folder??
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hi guys
KB867282.exe /integrate:D:\XPCD\XP2\
KB885250.exe /integrate:D:\XPCD\XP2\
give me this error. (DL twice making sure it is for XP Service Pack 2)
does anyone have any idea?
me too
but 867282 frezee and i must to terminate it using task manager!
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upx.exe: dos or win32?
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where can i find startx.exe?
and upx.exe? dos or windows version?
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i've tried office shrinker with my italian version but for each file alert me the file is missing...
why?i've clicked IGNORE for about 100times but after that...i became CRAZY!!!!
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can i use in vmware a clean WINDOWS XP cd WITHOUT any Service pack...?
or MUST i use XP with sp1 or sp2?
please someone!!!
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can i use in vmware a clean WINDOWS XP cd WITHOUT any Service pack...?
or MUST i use XP with sp1 or sp2?
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how can i do for office 2003 italian version?
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can i use in vmware a clean WINDOWS XP cd WITHOUT any Service pack...?
or MUST i use XP with sp1 or sp2?
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in NEROVISION package there's a folder called w9x
now, i need only w2k folder...
can i delete w9x?because there are 22mb
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if i haven't a clean XP,how can i shrink office?can i?
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thanks so much!!
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after your modifies,can you help me about "DriverPack_MassStorage_V501.7z"?what must i do?
my xpfolder: g:\xpcdsp2\
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i've read it but i don't understand how to slipstream only MASSSTORAGE drivers...
can anyone help me step-by-step?
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i can assume u dont know that bashrat has almost all the sata drivers now
96 percent
can you give me the link?i need the cd tomorrow....
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if it not possible,there is a method to enable F6 key?
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and the most important? (like HDD maxtor,fujitsu...)
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where can i find all SATA drivers?
How To: Plugin For Nero
in Application Installs
with runonceex is good?