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Posts posted by beppemito
only this? aren't there problems with serial and other unattended step?because some time ago i read some post about those problems...
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why do you need o block it? it's not set to run after install,
yes? i thinked run after install...so, i'm wrong..
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ok but for replacing the original file, do i need to block the msnmsg.exe to run? how?caN I DO THIS WITH WINRAR?
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hi, how can re-active F6 key to work in an unattended cd?
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is language pack 2 for NVE?
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how can i install it silently?
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i've lost some step into creation of a unattended cd....
i've integrated sp2, i've got my program to install correctly but i've lost some info about release of NEW WINDOW UPDATE V6....
so, my svcpack.inf is:
;Windows XP
Signature="$Windows NT$"
wi31.exe /Q /N /Z <--- this is window installer 3.1
KB873333.exe /Q /N /Z
KB873339.exe /Q /N /Z
KB883939.exe /Q /N /Z
KB885250.exe /Q /N /Z
KB885835.exe /Q /N /Z
KB885836.exe /Q /N /Z
KB886185.exe /Q /N /Z
KB887742.exe /Q /N /Z
KB888113.exe /Q /N /Z
KB888302.exe /Q /N /Z
KB890830.exe /Q
KB890859.exe /Q /N /Z
KB891781.exe /Q /N /Z
KB893086.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896358.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896422.exe /Q /N /Z
KB901214.exe /Q /N /Z
KB903235.exe /Q /N /Z
qchain.exei don't use /integrate sintax.....
is it correct of there are some mistakes?thanks for the help....
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in prefs.js can i delete:
user_pref("browser.download.dir", "C:\\Documents and Settings\\beppe\\Documenti");
user_pref("browser.download.lastDir", "C:\\Documents and Settings\\beppe\\Documenti\\Sof x silent firefox");
they are the only things i see they are personalized for my PC....
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i can't retrieve the swicth for this new version....
can someone help me?
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update 7.0.2 is out!
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i've ran regedit but DisableRollback is not present....what must i do?i must create it or not?and where?because in HKEY_CURRENT_USER there isn't MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\INSTALLER.......there is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE!
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i haven't 7zS.sfx!!!
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yes...but windows update saw me there is only an unpdate available: SP1 and the file size is 0kb....
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i've created a slipstreamed installation of framework1.1 + sp1....all work propertly but in windows update, only an update is available for me: FRAMEWORK SP1....
there's a registry entry wich fix that problem?
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i've tried
701Update.msi /qb-!
but it doesnt work....
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what code must i put in hivesys.inf to disable wfp?i've lost it...i don't use nlite
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can i use:
netfx.msi /QB
NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /Qunder svcpack.inf with the same switches?
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during my unattended installation, at t-12 minutes remaining, an error box appear regarding 7-ZIP
Can't find setup.exe
why it appear?i haven't any program that installs at this point...
and another question: using POST INSTALL SCRIPT, when i want to install a program using .MSI file, a box with all the switch appears, but the .msi doesn't install!
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ok and for installing FLASH PLUGIN too?
btw where i can download flashplugin for firefox?
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what switch must i use to do it?i've seen the guide for firefox some post below but there are only english .MSI or .EXE...i need it but in italian language...
zoom player 4.51 pro
in Application Installs
i need switch for this....