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Posts posted by Gremo

  1.  Hey thank you for helping I'm now able to integrate some drivers of my notebook (nvidia, audio, wifi) using DISM. Look at my guide (it's in Italian, but its quite clear) here. I'm still looking for an help on Intel Chipset Installation Utility and LManager (keyboard/fn buttons for acer and some packard bell notebook). Also still looking for a simple way of backup and restore activation!

  2. Hi there, thank you for your module. I have a little cosmetic problem: i cannot make shortcut icon to work. This is my simple config.txt:

    Shortcut="P, {%%T\\JDownloader.exe}, {}, {JDownloader}, {}, {} {%%T\\} {%%T\\JDownloader.exe} {1}"

    shorcut is created but icon is blank. Going to properties -> change icon shows that the %ProgramFiles% variable is not expanded correctly (my case is C:\Programmi\JDownloader).

    Am i wrong?

  3. Hi, i was thinking alot about a "game mode" (not a game version) as it's easy to program already a software that:

    - shutdown antivirus, firewall

    - stop all uneeded services and background processes

    - clean up RAM

    in order to play a game eventually online. And maybe with a profile management.

    Don't know if software like this exists but sure it's not an hard work to build. A modern OS should support this feature. More processes, more services and programs preload for everyday use, to surf and office. Only the necessary while playing battlefield online :)


  4. Hi there! Anyone? Need help with Vista WinPE and Gentoo linux. CD layout:

    isolinux <--- 3.72
    BOOT <--- Taken from WinPE
    SOURCES <--- Taken from WinPE
    BOOTMGR <--- Taken from WinPE
    EFI <--- Taken from WinPE
    vista.bin <--- Extracted with bbie

    Neither WinPE or Gentoo boot. Vista gives me "Cannot find BOOTMGR" while Gentoo "Media not found! Could not find CD to boot".

    LABEL -
    MENU LABEL Windows Vista SP1 Recovery Console
    KERNEL /vista.bin
    APPEND -

    LABEL -
    MENU LABEL Gentoo Linux 2008.0 Minimal CD
    KERNEL /linux/gentoo/gentoo
    APPEND root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc dokeymap looptype=squashfs loop=/linux/gentoo/image.squashfs cdroot initrd=/linux/gentoo/gentoo.igz subdir=/linux/gentoo vga=791

  5. Hi, i'm trying to integrate Windows XP Professional x64 SP2 into my AIO DVD with various XP version already working.

    So what i do:

    I get $WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS folders with this command running XP Professional x64 virtual machine:

    D:\AMD64\WINNT32.EXE /noreboot




    \$WIN_NT$.~BT\ ---> ROOT\PRO1
    \$WIN_NT$.~LS\I386 ---> ROOT\I386
    \$WIN_NT$.~LS\AMD64 --->ROOT\AMD64


    win51 ---> ROOT\
    win51ap ---> ROOT\
    win51ap.sp2 ---> ROOT\

    Hex edit:

    hex address: 0x2060 from "74 03" to "EB 1A"

    Final DVD layout:


    All works fine. Boot and installation OK.

    BUT i want to move AMD64 and I386 folders inside ROOT\Source. Editing PRO1\setupldr.bin didn't do the trick. No luck with PRO1\txtsetup.sif SetupSourcePath, like other Windows XP versions. win51, win51ap, win51ap.sp2 copied also to ROOT\Source.

    I get "Txtsetup.sif is corrupt error".

    Maybe there is an updated tutorial somewhere?

    Thanks in advance, sorry for my poor english :)

  6. hi there, strangly this is working: (little differences...)

    AutoPartition = 1
    MsDosInitiated = "0"
    UnattendedInstall = "Yes"

    AdminPassword = *
    EncryptedAdminPassword = No
    OEMSkipRegional = 0
    OemSkipWelcome = 1

    JoinWorkgroup = WORKGROUP

    InstallDefaultComponents = Yes


    FileSystem = *
    KeyboardLayout = "US"
    OemSkipEula = Yes
    OemPreinstall = No
    TargetPath = \WINDOWS
    UnattendMode = DefaultHide
    UnattendSwitch = Yes

    FullName = ""
    OrgName = ""
    ComputerName = *

  7. Hi, i get this error while installing Windows XP Home:


    And here is my winnt.sif used:

    AutoPartition = 0
    MsDosInitiated = 0
    UnattendedInstall = Yes

    AdminPassword = *
    EncryptedAdminPassword = No
    OEMSkipRegional = 1
    OemSkipWelcome = 1
    TimeZone = 110

    InstallDefaultComponents = Yes

    InputLocale = 0409:00000409
    LanguageGroup = 1
    SystemLocale = 00000409
    UserLocale = 00000409

    FileSystem = *
    KeyboardLayout = "US"
    OemSkipEula = Yes
    OemPreinstall = No
    TargetPath = \WINDOWS
    UnattendMode = FullUnattended
    UnattendSwitch = Yes

    I'm trying to get a setup that only asks:

    - registration name and organization

    - computer name

    - product key

    - domain

    where i'm wrong?

  8. ok, i found i .bat file to do this

    however during install i get FM20ENU.DLL error  :blushing:

    Well I can't help you there. You can just try the process once again. I tried this once, with SP3 only and it worked fine. Maybe you should take a look at that .bat you found, to make sure it don't delete necessary files.

    Cheers ;)

    Have you tried a FULL Office2003 (with InfoPath) installation? I tried also this method http://www.msfn.org/board/Slipstream-Offic...964#entry558964, nut i doesn't work

  9. i can't believe nobody has ort2cabs.js :whistle:

    beefstew 's version


    thanks a lot man! I'm just testing now...

    the size of office 2003 after slipstreaming sp3 is supposed to be...? mine is quite huge...985mb  :angry:

    After sorting with sort2cabs.js you need to delete extra files yourself. Look at your unmodified Office CD to compare with. Final size should be same as unmodified CD.

    Cheers ;)

    ok, i found i .bat file to do this

    however during install i get FM20ENU.DLL error  :blushing:

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