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Posts posted by mats

  1. No

    You will have to build the filesystem on a harddrive and then create a bootable .iso file with the utility oscdimg wich is included in pe. The exact procedure is documented in winpe.chm located in the docs directory of the cd.

  2. Sure It can.

    i would boot PE copy the unattended file to a ramdrive and then display a nice HTA page for the user to fill in computername and so on. The hta form should update the unattended file.

    after that, its just a unattended installation with the cd as a source.

    for example if you store the XP i386 folder in xpi386 on your dvd and the ramdrive is Z:

    x:\xpi386\winnt32 /unattend:z:\unattend.txt /syspart:c: should do it if you got your unattended right.

  3. I checked our installation today

    The installation is for XP not server and the $oem$ folder is a subfolder to i386. This works for us with the .\i386\winnt32 /unattend:.\i386\unattend.txt /syspart:c: command. We don't even use the OEMFilesPath entry.

    I don't know if you can use anything of this but it might be of some value for testing a least

  4. The new MS driver works really nice.

    That's the one i wrote about from the beginning but you need fair/fair plus contacts with ms to get it, therefore I tried to get the Qsoft driver to work since that is availible in pebuilder 3.13 from www.nu2.nu

    The true advantage with the regslam is that it updates the buildfolder and not the winpe folder as the old solution did. Therefore you don't need an extra winpe folder to switch between ramdrive and non ramdrive builds.

  5. I have been working a little more on this and it seems to be working nicly.

    The thing to remember is the image to ramsize ratio. A 256Mbyte system kan boot a 150-160MB image. If you go larger the ramdrive fails. On a 512Mbyte I have booted a 260Mbyte image with working ramdrive.

    It was this above 160 border i hit when i used the /WMI switch. With more memory or a smaller image /WMI vill work with the ramdrive too

  6. Disclamer: I have tested this with the SA verison of PE2005, all testing has been done with virtual pc on my laptop.

    Step by step to get a working PE CD with ramdrive

    1. create the test folder under c:\

    2. Copy the WINPE folder from the Windows PE CDROM to C:\

    3. Create a textfile named WINPE_RAMDISK.INF in the C:\test\WINPE folder using step 3 in http://www.wug-nordic.net/articles/winpe_ramdrive.htm

    4. edit config.inf in the C:\test\Winpe folder using step 4 in http://www.wug-nordic.net/articles/winpe_ramdrive.htm

    5. copy the i386 folder from a 2003Sp1 CD to c:\test. I used the Enterprise Edition

    6. Create a target folder under c:\test

    7. Create an Iso folder under c:\test

    8. Start a cmd shell and go to the c:\test\winpe folder

    9. run MKIMG.CMD ..\srv2003entsp1 ..\target

    10. get the ramdrive.sys file from bartpe version 3.13 www.nu2.nu (version should be and rename it ramdrv.sys.

    11. Put ramdrv.sys in C:\test\target\I386\system32\drivers

    12. start a command prompt and go into c:\test\winpe

    13. run oscdimg -h -n -betfsboot.com c:\test\target c:\test\iso\test1.iso

    14. Create c:\test\iso\winnt.sif with the following contents


    BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)"

    BootPath = "\i386\System32\"

    OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdexportascd /rdpath=test1.iso"

    Architecture = "i386"

    15. Create the c:\test\iso\i386 directory

    16. copy c:\test\target\i386\bootfix.bin c:\test\iso\i386\bootfix.bin

    17. copy c:\test\target\i386\ntdetect.com c:\test\iso\i386\ntdetect.com

    18. copy c:\test\target\i386\Setupldr.bin c:\test\iso\i386\Setupldr.bin

    19. start a command prompt and go into c:\test\winpe

    20. run oscdimg -h -n -betfsboot.com c:\test\iso c:\test\PEramdrv.iso

  7. Yes the MS ramdrv.sys works if it has been recompiled for XP.

    THe sample on the ms web in kb257405 see http://support.microsoft.com/?id=257405 isn't recompiled and i think you need the ddk to recompile it. The bad thing is that you need a msdn subscription to get the ddk.

    I also got a recompiled one directly from MS and that one works really nice.

    I originally wrote about that one but since i found a way to get the qsoft driver to work i changed my post so it reflected that driver since everyone can get it.

  8. Winbom.ini i think.

    It is described in the chm file in the docs directory on the winpe cd.

    Basicly you will have to set it int the file and then burn a new iso.

    Or if you can use non ms tools take a look a penetcfg.

  9. And as we have told you a few times know.

    The only way you are going to get is by contacting your MS representative. They are the only ones who can solve this and they will if you got the right contract with them. Else download Barts PE builder from www.nu2.nu since that is a freeware. It is however not supported by MS.

  10. Oki

    I had placed my sif in the i386 folder and that's why it failed for me

    Current structure








    and the content of the sif is:


    BootDevice = "ramdisk(0)"

    BootPath = "\i386\System32\"

    OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect /minint /rdexportascd /rdpath=test1.iso"

    Architecture = "i386"

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