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Posts posted by fanatf1

  1. Ahh hell :(

    I integrate hotfixes for XPSP2 manually. I adding some strings in svcpack.inf and hf installs during setup.

    But in the end then i integrate a WMP10 with slipstreamerv3 by default. It write something in svcpack.inf.

    Then i test my UXPCD and install XP.... NO hotfiexs installed!!!!????

    As i think slipstreamer delet my intries :(

    Next i try a slipstreamer with Edit svcpack.inf box Uncheked. Maybe it helps.

  2. Hmm ... i use key from 7.0 like this

    %CDROM%\Software\ACDSee.msi /QB PIDKEY=xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxx LICENSE_MODEL=Full ADDLOCAL=ACDSee,ImageEncodingDecodingPlugIns,ACDPhotoEditor

    but then i install XP i have hell errors like problem with ACDsee, connection wizard during install. I clicked OK and after install no ACDsee is installed :(

    If it works with 7.0 what a prob in 8.0 ?

  3. I can post it but U can simple did it.

    Start ACDsee, customize to your need (icons menues etc.) and then export this string [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ACD Systems\ACDSee\70].

    Open reg file and edit it as i say

    REMOVE any string that have direct path (e.g. C:\Program...) and timestamps.

    Later i attach me reg

  4. Hey guys !

    What about LANG packs?

    Is them works with NCI ?

    EDIT: Lang pack works ok.

    But some strange.

    Russian WinXP SP2 Corp .... after i create Custom Nero and try it.

    1. It doesnt create shortcuts in Start menu

    2. NeroVision doesnt start "Unable to loading image subsystem"

    3. SmartStart error "Some files a missing.Reinstall Nero"

    I put Nero+Rus è NVE+Rus

    set tlist="CoverDesigner" "Nero Toolkit" "Nero Recode" "NeroVision" "Nero StartSmart"


    I do exactly as instruction!

  5. You say put reg file in $OEM$/$$ and run it from cmdlines as

    REGEDIT /s MenuOrder.reg

    But i heard that we must put this files in $OEM$ folde near the cmdlines!!

    I have a lot regs in $OEM$ folder (which need to execute AFTER first logon)

    like this

    "REGEDIT /S regtweaks.reg"
    "REGEDIT /S ACDsee.reg"
    "REGEDIT /s menuorder.reg"

    Here the question: Can i make some folder in $OEM$ (like REGS) and put all regs (include menuorder.reg) in it. My cmdlines STILL work after that and apply regs from folder REGS? And how to write a command in cmdlines to REGS folder?

    Help please !

    EDIT: Or maybe you have better way to apply REGs (with keys, settings) which need to by applyed AFTER first logon?

    It would be GREAT!

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