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Posts posted by fanatf1
And next one about INSTALL ORDER
Some problem here: I disable Istall by Category? but still programm with install order number 9999 installed first or in the middle of other progs.
Maybe 9999 not enought?
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Hmm guys ...
How can i use oldstyle of folders layout like
$OEM$ (here WPI folder)
if so here come a error that wpi cant find X:\OEM\WPI\Install\blabla.exe (my command string %CDROM%\Install\blabla.exe)
is it possible?
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Extremely COOL!
So much improvement!!! I love it.
Thanx a LOT!
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I remove url to activation, but then i open\close PDVD7 5-10 time the register popup window appear
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What exatly i must put in my wint.sif ??
Only this string as you post?
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Mercury_22's method is great but i have a prob
here is my version
start /wait C:\Nero- /qn /norestart SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" NERO_SCOUT=FALSE C2FF8B816=0 CD773A6E2=0 C6035F00C=0 C53BEFA20=0 CCB9D5429=0 C7CE8D626=0 CED1EAF52=0 CFA3A3F7B=0 C716FE146=0 CE38B9E06=0
Everything is ok BUT NO NeroVIsion and NeroStartSmart is installed!!!!
Vision id is C57D52359, NeroStartSmart ID is CB035464E
but i didnt put it in command line!!!
maybe i need put something like
EDIT: Not work
Any help!!
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Wow nice idea. I`ll try
But only one or two questions:
Why do we need to wait before starting video?
and last one
How to configurate MPUI to start in COMPACT mode? it didnot save this to ini
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Please help; How can i change language of your build to RUSSIAN ?
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Thnx a lot!
I searching for this PureVideo solution!
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Explane please.
Then i convert movie to exe i called it for exmpl. themask.exe.
But when YOU add string in winnt.sif you have a name VIDEO.exe
What does it mean? I must rename my videos to this name VIDEO.exe or i can leave themask.exe in winnt.sif?
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Strange. i dont have this strings
Go to Behavior and Logic ---> Property Manager and make the following changes:NERO_SCOUT=FALSE
Change Product Name if desired (eg drop the Demo from title)
SERIALNUM_USERVAL=(replace demo serial number with yours)
In Property Manager i didnot have ANY strings!!!???
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Yep !
Make it with modern skin and i take it for a 1$
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Another prob: with order number!
I DL WPI 438, copy my config from 435
1 have about 50 progs in WPI
only 5 have install order numbers
1 2 3 nuber to install first (the is OK them install first)
and 998 999 to install at the END (AFTER all progs) and here come trouble
i select install ALL and here is runonceex window
!!!!???? program with code 999 install in the middle NOT in the END sad.gif
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Another prob: with order number!
I DL WPI 438, copy my config from 435
1 have about 50 progs in WPI
only 5 have install order numbers
1 2 3 nuber to install first (the is OK them install first)
and 998 999 to install at the END (AFTER all progs) and here come trouble
i select install ALL and here is runonceex window
!!!!???? program with code 999 install in the middle NOT in the END
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as i see it for Current user not for all users?
or i misunderstand?
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Hey gyus!
Can you attach a Daemonscript.msi DaemonDriveInstall.DaemonScript DaemonTools.inf and other that need for your example install
What does it mean and how you do it "I patched the MSI (I don't want any Shortcuts or Autostart-Entries for Daemon-Tools.)"
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I use cdimage to build my UXPCD all the time and it work best!
Now i want to build DVD UXP!
I make iso using standart cdimage line (size of iso abot 2 gb)
Then i try to burn it with Nero here come a error - Your iso is a Cd not DVD
Question^ How can i modify cdimage to build DVD isos and can burn with Nero ??
Please help!
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%CDROM%\Software\Winamp.msi INI="%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini" /qb-!
Put the /qb-! at the end of the string, personally I use /qn and it works fine. Also, removed the backslash (\) after winamp.ini
Thanx a lot!
Every thing now work fine!
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Build a silent QT7 as XXsplit wright.
But then installing here comes a popup that exe build with Unregistred Version of Quick Butch
Ааааа nobody tell my that
And taskkill /F /IM qttask.exe not work
qttask still in the tray near clock.
How to solve?
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**** ((((
What happend with this.
I try this string
msiexec /I "%CDROM%\Software\winamp.msi /qb-! INI=\"%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini\""
then istall a have a popup with msi help info and next error that app not installed
i try
%CDROM%\Software\Winamp.msi /qb-! INI="%CDROM%\Software\winamp.ini\"
same popup
Help me pleeeease!
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Thnx a lot.
Theoreticaly it must work. I`ll try )
EDIT: IT NOT WORKS! Then installing comes a error about "File system32\config.nt is not used in Windows aplications bla-bla-bla ...." and nothing happend. **** Google still appear!!!
Please do smthg !
Now i try my sol with unregister and delete google .dll
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Here Progrm Files\Google\GooogleToolbar1.dll our target
Maybe not so easyest way is to
1. Unregister it
2. Delete this folder!
i try later
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Here is anouther question:
How to diable a qt icon in tray near clock. And delete in Quicklaunch?
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Flasget 1.71 installs GOOGLE!
How do you setup a silent install so that Flashget does NOT install Google?
Still actual question! Anyone have a solution?
WPI v5.0.1
in Windows Post-Install Wizard (WPI)
Ok now i try 999999 or Execute After. thanx !
No problem, i post it a bit later. But all comments in config.js are in Russian