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Everything posted by Haecki

  1. Hi, in our company we would like to use 2 Partitions (C - System; D - Data) in our Windows Vista Entprise Environment. After installing and configuring the Operating System we would capture this state with the Windows PE command: imagex Is it possible to capture both partitions concurrently or do we have to capture each separate partition? If not - what´s the syntax of the imageX to append both and are there anythings to mind? Thanx for help! Greetings Haecki
  2. @datazing, watch AaronXP, I think it´s a problem of the user´s permission, too. Try to connect this printer with your Administrator-Account. In this case - the necessary drivers will be embedded in directories where Administrators have appropriate rights. If not required - delete the printer. (The files for the printer driver are over all of in the directories!) Then log in with your "normal" user account and connect the printer again. Maybe this work... Greetings Haecki
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