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Everything posted by gajotnt

  1. resolved it had disk quota turned on, that was limiting the disk space thanks
  2. Hello, I am experiencing this problem whenever I try to Install anything that requires windows installer. I have 3 gigs hard disk space available and even so before starting to install it gives me the error -> Insuficient Disk Space, then i press cancel and it says Internal Error 2755. 112 This really sucks because every program nowadays installs with MSI and i cant install MSI programs
  3. thanks ppl
  4. i dont know witch one to use
  5. just make your ISO like you would do for a Cdr using WinISO (making the WinXP ISO) and burn do a DVD, it worked for me
  6. tried that one, but its a pain in the @ss, with ResHacker you have to browse icon by icon, with microangelo you can see them all at the same time
  7. MicroAngelo
  8. is there any easy way to change the Shell32.dll icons?
  9. you dont need the UnPnP prog just add this to your regfile.reg [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\upnphost] "Start"=dword:00000004
  10. i think these [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Components] msmsgs = Off Msnexplr = Off Zonegames = Off should be before this [GuiRunOnce] Command0=%systemdrive%\install\hotfixes.cmd Command1=%systemdrive%\install\main_batch.cmd
  11. i would like that too
  12. i use this one CLS @echo off ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Hotfixes... ECHO Please Wait... CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes1 for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i -u -f -o -z -q -m ECHO Done. ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Cumulative patches... ECHO Please Wait... CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes2 for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i /Q:A /R:N ECHO Done. ECHO Installing All Pre-SP2 Extra patches... ECHO Please Wait... CD "%systemdrive%\install\Hotfixes3 for %%i in (*.exe) do start /wait %%i /C:"dahotfix /q /n" /Q ECHO Done. EXIT http://board.MSFN.org/index.php?showtopic=8363
  13. you put a Minus (-) like bellow ;Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}] if you wanted to add just take off the Minus [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{87D62D94-71B3-4b9a-9489-5FE6850DC73E}]
  14. They had a update pack with most of the WinXP post Sp1 hotfixes, now they only have in english, it would be mutch better than adding all those lines to the cmd
  15. hmmmmm burning windows to a DVD-r/RW is a great idea, you can put so mutch in it, imagine, Office, nortons, Nero6, **** so mutch thingsssss
  16. tryed AsusSmartDoctor, it uses the Powertoy switch ECHO Installing Asus SmartDoctor ECHO Please wait... start wait %systemdrive%installsmartdocsetup.exe /s/v/qn ECHO. the intel setup works fine
  17. hi, i tryed extracting the drivers but the setup gives me several folders (ICH, ICH2, ICH3, ICH5.....) so i dont know with one to usei also dug up a little For silent install without auto-reboot: Self-extracting .EXE distribution: INFINST_xxx.EXE -a -s Compressed .ZIP distribution: SETUP.EXE -s my guess is you could just with winrar extract the INFINST_xxx.EXE that gives you the setup file and then just add the batch ECHO Installing Intel ChipSet Drivers ECHO Please wait... start /wait %systemdrive%\install\intel\setup.exe -s ECHO.
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