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Posts posted by DiGGiTY

  1. There's no way to convert a file back to a folder after this happens. Don't be too frustrated, it has happened to all of us. Essentially the stream is copied as a file.... I had it happen to me a lot in the DOS days.

    To troubleshoot your batch file REM out the @echo off line and insert several PAUSE commands. This way you can see the output to make sure everything is cool.



    1. Juggling Knives is Easy

    2. Where to Find the toys in the Oven

    3. Where Mommy & Daddy Hide Neat Things

    4. Kick, Scream, and Cry to Get What You Want

    5. "Whatcha' Doin'" the Wonderful Phrase

    6. 101 Games to Play in the Road

    7. The Indoor Pool is a Big Potty and the Divingboard is the Flusher

    8. Homemade Fireworks using a Bathtub,a Blowdryer,and a Fork

    9. POP, goes the Hamster and other fun Microwave Games

    10. Arthur Gets Hunted

    11. Clifford and the Big and Yellow Semi

    12. Monsters Killed Grandpa

    13. The hit sequel to "Elvis is your real dad" Mrs.Clause is your real Mom

    14. Chicken Poop for the Kid Soul

    15. All Guns Squirt Water

    16. When The Garbage Truck Came to Sesame Street

    17. How Fun it is to Tie a Squirrel to a Kite

    18. You Can Get Sucked Down the Drain

    19. How to Make Sushi with Ordinary Goldfish

    20. 101 recipies to make with Dog

    21. If its Storming out the Best Place to keep shelter is under a tree

    22. The New Boy is Bad

    23. Your Nightmares are real

    24. The Time When Elmer REALLY got Bugs

    25. Scooby Doo Gets Rabbis

    26. The Lion, the Steak, and the Blender

    27. The Little Kitten that was too Curious.....

    28. The Boy who was so Stupid that his Dad put him up for Adoption

    29. Mickey Mouse and the Mouse Trap

    30. Chuck E. Cheese and Cheddar get a Flamethrower

    31. Grampa Gets A Casket

    32. Dad's New Wife Robert

    33. The Magical World Inside The Abandoned Refridgerator

  3. The move command is somewhat limited When you try to MOVE an entire folder into a directory that already has that folder in it, you'll get access denied. MOVE will work if you specify that all you wish to move are the files. For example:

    MOVE /Y "C:\install\shortcuts\Quick Launch\*.*" "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

  4. You might want to place "Copy To" and "Move To" on your context menu as well.

    To enable the Copy To Folder menu option create a new subkey called "Copy To" and set the (Default) value to "{C2FBB630-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}".

    To enable the Move To Folder menu option create a new subkey called "Move To" and set the (Default) value to "{C2FBB631-2971-11d1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}".

    Then when you right-click a file or folder, you'll get a context menu that looks like this:


  5. I'd try several solutions to identify the exact nature of the problem. It could be a DFS metadata problem, or that name resolution on your clients that cannot access the DFS Root are configured improperly.

    I'd use the DFSUTIL /RemRoot and /Addroot first:

    DFSUtil /Remroot:DFSName /Server:rootSrv /Share:rootShare

    DFSutil /Addroot:DFSName /Server:rootSrv /Share:rootShare

    The 3019 occurs when you map the same drive to the same share on the same PC more than once. Mapping a drive to the same PC from where it is mapped does not cause these warning, but instead mapping it more than once does. Windows would realize two things when mapping the drive the second time:

    -This drive letter already exists.

    -The share where the "new" mapping wants to point to is already mapped to a drive letter. Hence, the redirector fails to determine the connection type.

    To conclude, this is a logic error, not a system error. This error can be safely ignored.

  6. You can do the slipstream with nLite. As for the easiest silent install for .NET Framework, SP1 for .NET and ASP fix, check below:

    1.) Download the .NET Framework 1.1

    2.) Extract the contents of the .NET Framework to a folder - you can do this by running dotnetfx.exe /t:c:\temp /c

    3.) Download the .NET Framework 1.1 SP1

    4.) Extract the service pack MSP package to a folder by running

    NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /Xp:c:\temp\sp1.msp

    5.) Download the ASP Patch to SP1

    6.) Extract the ASP Patch MSP package to a folder by running

    NDP1.1sp1-KB886903-X86.exe /Xp:c:\temp\asp.msp.

    7.) Run msiexec.exe /a c:\temp\netfx.msi TARGETDIR=c:\temp\netfx

    8.) Run msiexec /p c:\temp\sp1.msp /a c:\temp\netfx\netfx.msi

    9.) Run msiexec /p c:\temp\asp.msp /a c:\temp\netfx\netfx.msi

    You have now created a new netfx.msi, in c:\temp\netfx. You can now run your setup from this folder or you could take all of the contents of c:\temp\netfx, and compress it into a SFX archive. In the SFX archive options set the extraction to silent and run netfx.msi /qb after extraction.

  7. I for the Xbox all the way!!! PS2 is not bad, but the Xbox has better graphics and much, much, much better online play.

    Also, Xbox's can be modded without opening the box. I Softmodded mine a while back to play my 'backups'. Never had to crack the case.

  8. Never had to do this, but I dug some info up for you.

    There is IActiveScriptSiteInterruptPoll, with the single method QueryContinue(). Both the VBScript and JScript engines query for it, and when you return S_FALSE from QueryContinue(), the script stops executing.

    So say you wanted to run a script within a user interface. While the script is running, you display a "please wait" dialog box with a "stop" button on it. When the user presses the button, set your m_bQuit flag to TRUE, and then implement QueryContinue like this.



    // ... pump any windows messages so the stop button can be pressed

    if (m_bQuit)

    return S_FALSE;

    return S_OK;


  9. Most likely it is not a bad file, but rather a disc imperfection. Wipe the CD down first from center to outer edge (not in circles) with a lint free cloth and a disc cleaning agent or plain water.

    Make sure the disc is completely dry before placing it back in the CD tray.

    As mentioned above, Alcohol 120 is the perfect tool for this--but if you dont want to bother, just XCOPY it

  10. Take a look at the manual for your board, and it is a zif socket, you're in luck. This design is intended to make the bios "switcheable" Whether you decide to make a go of this yourself is entirely up to you.

    If you feel you have the expertise to do it, then I say try, but be careful, the pins on a bios chip are delicate. Make for absolutely sure you're grounded. ESD build up can turn your new chip into a really expensive little ornament.

    Also, sometimes these BIOS replacements are close to the proce of replacing the old board... Of course, this sucks!

  11. To delete the registry key, you'll need to launch a .cmd or .bat file that runs the registry console tool (REG.EXE). Here's the syntax:

    REG DELETE KeyName [/v ValueName | /ve | /va] [/f]

    KeyName [\\Machine\]FullKey

    Machine Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine

    Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines

    FullKey ROOTKEY\SubKey


    SubKey The full name of a registry key under the selected ROOTKEY

    ValueName The value name, under the selected Key, to delete

    When omitted, all subkeys and values under the Key are deleted

    /ve delete the value of empty value name <no name>

    /va delete all values under this key

    /f Forces the deletion without propmt


    REG DELETE HKLM\Software\MyCo\MyApp\Timeout

    Deletes the registry key Timeout and its all subkeys and values


    Deletes the registry value MTU under MyCo on ZODIAC

    To suppress the read only attribute for all files in a directory launch a .bat or .cmd file that runs the attrib command.


    attrib -r c:\dir1\folder1\*.*

    If you want to suppress the attribute on all files within the subtree, add the /D switch at the end.

    attrib -r c:\dir1\folder1\*.* /d

    The above command removes the read only attribute for all files within folder1 and for all files within subfolders of folder1.

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