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Posts posted by BrainDrain

  1. I've spent the last week trying to get an application to work in Java.

    The ultimate goal of what I'm working on now is a fountain, which produces numerous water drops which rise off the top of the canvas.

    What I would like the erroneous code do is make each water drop in the fountain rise by two pixels. If its y position gets equal or below 0 then the timer should stop.

    The timer works, it decreases in the interval I have specified, but trying to redraw the water droplet fails.

    I am beginning to think that I need to use the repaint method of what I have called the "Display" class to repaint all items to make the canvas update. The only issue with this is that is that the water drop objects cannot call the class method repaint (in Display). The timers are a part of each water drop so I've presumed they should be in the water drop object.

    If someone could look at the attached Java files and explain what part of the implementation is flawed it would be a great help.


  2. http://www.msfn.org/board/Windows-95-Launc...it-t115099.html - A moderator has closed this thread under section 2c of the MSFN rules, which states

    2.c Requesting help with academic material, such as assignments, is not permitted on MSFN. Receiving such help is often viewed as plagiarism in many schools, and therefore cannot be allowed. This is for your own protection in your academic career.

    The thread, however is not asking for academic help. The post is original research of which anyone who heard about the Windows 95 launch at the time could answer, with no academic knowledge. The section states that the rule's scope covers anyone who asks for support writing an academic document or assignment, it does not cover original research, properly citing the author of any quotes used.

    The following reasons are why I believe the locking was an incorrect decision:

    • The thread is a "share your memories" type question, with no academic information being asked for or implied
    • The section clearly infers that it covers cheating in academic material, however this thread covers original research, with cited sources.
    • The explanation of the rule is that it protects the academic careers of posters, original research does not in any way threaten the academic career of the thread poster.

    If the thread is in violation, I would appreciate a further explanation as to how my post is in violation of section 2c. of the MSFN rules so that I do not repeat this.

  3. I'm doing a University paper on the Windows 95 launch, If anyone here remembers the launch I'd love to hear your experiences, or if you played with Chicago (before 24/8/95) it would be cool to hear about that.

    There's a blimmin' lot of articles about it, so I'm expecting it would've been quite memorial to many people in the IT field.

  4. I'm trying to diagnose a problem with my computer networks, I use a WiFi Router to connect to a modem, there's a PC plugged into a wired port on the router which goes on the internet fine;

    However on startup, often my laptop connects via WiFi with Limited Connectivity and cannot go on the internet. When I run "Repair Network Connection" it reports that it "Cannot Repair Network". Other times the laptop starts fine, WiFi works and I can browse the internet. Resetting the Router and disabling+enabling the laptop WiFi does not fix this.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be wrong?

  5. wtfpn3.jpg

    I'm looking at a retro laptop for a friend, I've just opened the case, and this harddrive is not a normal 2.5" ide... its like twice the height, and has a longer IO port with more pins... In the photo its still got the laptops hdd holder on though, its basically a normal 2.5" drive but twice as high, and with a longer port, does anyone know what it is?

  6. Does anyone know a simple LAN messaging system that auto-focuses when another person says something, includes a "Send message" feature within the recieved message box, and doesnt need signed in / autosigns in? Something like Windows Messenger but without a contact list, just "Send message to LAN" or such and where hitting [X] hides the application, but it can still recieve messages.

    I've drawn a mspaint of a "dream application" to do this

  7. A process included in my application uses Results in a string, which sometimes needs to include the '&' symbol. I know replacing '_ ' with '&&' would get it, however is there a way to handle the string where it doesn't amperand the character?

    This is really hard to explain... basically is there a method to safely detect '&' characters in a string and replace them with '&&', or prevent them from becoming amperanded at all?

    An example of an unsuccessfull call would be:

    Save a text file containing the contents '& ' as C:\test.txt

    In Delphi place a memo and button on the form, Memo1 and Button1 respectively



    Where it would show '_' in the showmessage.

  8. Thank goodness he got banned :P. I got a reply via PM from someone here that helped a lot.

    EDIT: The ID3 version 1 tags are up against each other... e.g. [artistdata...................songdata...................]

    Using his method, setting the number of chars to recieve to 35 for the artist name would give [artistdata.................songd]

    His method is one of the first I tried.

  9. This code:

    TID3Tag = record
    ID: string[3];
    Titel: string[30];
    Artist: string[30];

    Form1: TForm1;


    {$R *.dfm}

    function readID3Tag(FileName: string): TID3Tag;
    FS: TFileStream;
    Buffer: array [1..128] of Char;
    FS := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
    FS.Seek(-128, soFromEnd);
    FS.Read(Buffer, 128);
    with Result do
    ID := Copy(Buffer, 1, 3);
    Titel := Copy(Buffer, 4, 30);
    Artist := Copy(Buffer, 34, 30);

    procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    with readID3Tag(OpenDialog1.FileName) do
    LlbID.Caption := 'ID: ' + ID;
    LlbTitel.Caption := 'Titel: ' + Titel;
    LlbArtist.Caption := 'Artist: ' + Artist;

    From here extracts the song and artist tags correctly, however if either is over 30 characters the rest of the artist or song tag is chopped off... An example I'm looking at now is "Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll [2004]" as a ID3 song tag. It comes out as "Glamorous Indie Rock _Roll [2". Does anyone know how I could make this work correctly?

  10. In my application I need to capitalize the first character after each space in a string, is there anything faster than this:


    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' a', ' A', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' b', ' B', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' c', ' C', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' d', ' D', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' e', ' E', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' f', ' F', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' g', ' G', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' h', ' H', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' i', ' I', [rfReplaceAll]);
    mystring:=stringreplace(mystring, ' j', ' J', [rfReplaceAll]);

    Down to z and Z, it works, but it seems like a dirty, or roundabout method, is there any easier way of doing this?

  11. Thanks for that, I have admin rights and am using TRegistry, I'll try that code and get back


    I made a mistake, I'm trying to detect if a Value in a key exists,

    IF Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',false) THEN
    IF Reg.ValueExists('Test') THEN
    Checkbox1.checked := true

    Would do exactly what I'm after if it worked, Sorry for getting that wrong

    I've found that

    IF Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',false) THEN Application.Terminate;

    doesn't do anything either, Its starting to sound like a permissions problem, but I can write and delete string values fine :blink:

  12. I've tried using the code given above, but that didn't affect Checkbox1.visible at all (It stayed ticked or unticked unless I actually clicked it)

    , I tried setting reg.Rootkey, as in this code:

    IF Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run',false) THEN
    IF Reg.ValueExists('Test') THEN
    Checkbox1.checked := true
    CheckBox1.Checked := false;

    But that causes an Access Violation when ran

  13. In my application a checkbox is ticked to show if the Run On Startup key for it exists, when the app starts this code is used:

    Reg.RootKey := HKey_Local_Machine;


    IF Reg.ValueExists('Test') then




    However it doesn't do anything, I am looking at the string value "Test" in the registry at the above key. If anyone could work out why it's not doing anything it would be appreciated.

  14. I personally like the Flip slideshow feature in Windows Vista. I also like the whole "Preview images in folder on folder thumbnail" idea, it is awesome for my photo album.

    As for Flip3d in Vista, try out TopDesk (Google it), which does something similar to replicating it on Windows XP. The trial is great.

    I personally don't download anything that's not with Windows unless there is some benefit... WinAmp and Firefox for example.

    This is my Alt+Tab now:


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