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Posts posted by tresans

  1. Hi...

    thanks guys :hello: for mst files,

    Now, what about uptaes, when i make a sfx file for kaspersky updates (Bases Folder) by winrar and use this comment

    ;The comment below contains SFX script commands

    Path=%allusersprofile%\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab\AVP6

    i get this error


    does any one get rid of this limitation. ;)


    You have maybe not selected the "unpack in temp map" or in Dutch "Uitpakken in tijdelijke map" on the TAB MODI.

    Sorry 4 my bad English.



    edit: sry you wanted only to unpack a folder to a destination. :blushing:

  2. Well, I removed all "medialibrary" entries (With the r) and no nero scout appeared, nor nero search. Indeed these things that nero installs on our computers are really annoying.

    I emailed them a while back, (after nero 7 was released) telling them that they should create separate packages for their products, becuase 125MB download was too much for dialup users, especially with their frequent updates releases.

    They replied that the future updates for Nero 7 will be incremental, which means you will not have to download huge packages any more.

    Still, I just want a CD/DVD writing software, not an 125MB / 21 Apps package.

    Yeah honestly. Unfortunately it is not so :(

    So my question still stands, do you know how to NOT install any nero scout crap. You say that you don't have the nero search installed, but could you just double check your taskbar context menu (see image from my last post)

    Do you have that entry in the Toolbars context menu??


    I have also this tooolbar context menu and I also removed medialibRary (with R).



  3. :hello: ,

    Thanks for sharing this info,

    I wanted also to sharing my way of installing the intelli software,I have a Intellimouse Optical (5 button).

    Open the oemsetup.ini file.

    Change into this



    DEVICE=IMO <--- your mouse ID code (doh)



    Open Setup.ini

    Change into this









    Product=Microsoft IntelliPoint 5.5







    SuppressReboot=Y <---------


    Now run it with this code,

    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Intelli\IPoint\OEMsetup.exe %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Intelli\IPoint\oemsetup.ini



  4. :hello:

    Making a menu with the tweaks on this site.

    Isnt it possible 2 make a minisetup that runs right at the end of GUIrunonce and asks wich tweaks to add/register.I think it wouldnt be so hard to make this program.(unless it already exist)

    Honestly Im a noob for making this program. :blink:

    This would also be very handy with users and their own registers. :yes:

    If some1 know how to can he/she give me some directions.(please..)


  5. Is it maybe "please oo please" possible to explain it whit winrar SFX method? Regards

    extract the files from the EXE you downloaded from microsoft. make an EXE with winrar and use:

    Setup=setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore





    Tnx mate,

    I shall try this :thumbup


  6. I've tested the switch /Q on the originally downloaded file from microsoft with a virgin XP SP2 through svcpack and it installed just fine. Of course, i did need to deal with system restore.

    My final solution for an svcpack method was to extract the files from the microsoft download and repack them into a 7z switchless installer using this command in config.txt ... RunProgram="setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore"

    The size of the file i downloaded was 22.9meg, after repacking to a 7z installer its 23.1meg - I wont be providing a download of this because i'm using dialup to access the net.



    Tnx 4 fast reply on other post of WMP11

    Question 1: Im using winrar as my silent packaging program of setups.

    But I downloaded/installed 7z and I dont know where to write RunProgram="setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore" is it where the it says "Parameters"?

    Question 2 : Where do I find the config.txt ?

    Is it maybe "please oo please" possible to explain it whit winrar SFX method?


  7. :hello:

    Wow is this really an annoying prog 2 install or do I have luck ??

    Well I know you guys are talking about build 300 of KAV6,is there a difference between build 299 and 300 ,because this is how I install KAV6 build 299.

    KAV.msi /QN is the way Im installing it,without reboot

    and I have the key of the program in the same folder as KAV.msi and I do not call it with REGister switch. :thumbup

    Can some xplain this please before i make the mistake to.


  8. command9 should run last. But to be sure, change your CMD to:

    command1 = "%systemdrive%\Install\install.cmd"

    Tnx 4 reply 5eraph,

    So if i change my winnt.sif to


    command9 = "%SystemDrive%\D\BTS_DPs_finish.cmd"

    command1 = "%systemdrive%\Install\install.cmd"

    then my applications would run first then the BTS_DPs_finish.cmd?

    I shall try this.


  9. There is a link to the uninstaller in the dir created in the startmenu.

    When i use my own script it does , but not with MHZ's


    i have this problem 2,this installer sux.MUIZ can you upload the script you using so I could try it out and is it language dependant?

    Tnx in advance

    :unsure: Im sorry m8 :yes:

  10. There is a link to the uninstaller in the dir created in the startmenu.

    When i use my own script it does , but not with MHZ's


    i have this problem 2,this installer sux.MUIZ can you upload the script you using so I could try it out and is it language dependant?

    Tnx in advance

  11. Hi all,

    I have a question about the driverpacks using method 2,after I slipstreamed the driverpacks it creates the next line in winnt.sif.


    command9 = "%SystemDrive%\D\BTS_DPs_finish.cmd"


    My question:If I understand this line correct here stays,first command9 = "%SystemDrive%\D\BTS_DPs_finish.cmd" is executed and after this my install.cmd??

    Or is this not correct?

    Please help me

  12. @echo off

    cmdow @ /HID

    M Short %PF% Variable



    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.ape" /VE /D "WMAfile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ape" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ape" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.flac" /VE /D "WMAfile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.flac" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.flac" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.mpc" /VE /D "WMAfile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.mpc" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.mpc" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.ogg" /VE /D "WMAfile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ogg" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ogg" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REM Real

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.ra" /VE /D "WMAfile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ra" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ra" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.rm" /VE /D "ASFFile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.rm" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.rm" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.ram" /VE /D "ASFFile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ram" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.ram" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REM Quicktime

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.3gp" /VE /D "ASFFile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.3gp" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.3gp" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.mov" /VE /D "ASFFile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.mov" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.mov" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.qt" /VE /D "ASFFile" /F

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.qt" /v "Runtime" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Extensions\.qt" /v "Permissions" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f



  13. Its really weird ,if I type the serial in Nero it accepts ,if I import with a .REG file it writes in the registry but its keep asking for serial.

    Can I have a .REG file of yours without serial number (doh),yes i know whats the difference.

    But I really dont know how this is possible and how to solve it.


  14. Tnx for replys gus

    I have checked the function button a couple of times with autoit window info but cant find anything else.

    I have registered the program and tried it normally but now i must register again.....wth

    This is my register.reg.

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]





    If I register it and close the program, i must register again.Is my register "dirty"or something else?


  15. :hello:

    I have made a autoit of the Dutch Nero 7012 everything goes fine till it want to install, autoit doesnt push the Install button.my hair is falling down from scratching my head :no: this is my autoit:All the credits goes to Dynaletik cause I changed the German letters to Dutch

    Could someone check this please..

    First I registered then autoit

    AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)



    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Welkom bij de installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo")


    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button1")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Licentieovereenkomst")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "&Ik ga akkoord met de voorwaarden van de Gebruiksrechtovereenkomst", "Button6")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button3")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Klanteninformatie")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button1")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Type setup")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "&Aangepast", "Button3")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button5")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Taalselectie")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button3")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Aangepaste setup")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button5")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Klaar voor de installatie van het programma") <-------

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "&Installeren", "Button1")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Bestandsextensies")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Vol&gende >", "Button6")

    WinWait("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "Installatiewizard voltooid")

    controlclick("Installatiewizard voor Nero 7 Demo", "&Voltooien", "Button1")

    WinWait("Informatie over Nero 7 Demo")

    controlclick("Informatie over Nero 7 Demo", "&Nee", "Button2")



  16. The problem with the CAB file solved with pushing on SETUPX.exe,but now another file cannot be found "gdiplusDC8C5D2A.dll" :no::no: ,the dll file couldnt be find in the 86C4F461.cab file wth/


    SOLVED: I redownloaded the same file and made an admin point :thumbup:thumbup

    Tnx m8's

  17. :hello:

    I cant make an admin piont after extracting Nero-,I have used "Nero.msi /a"

    What is the exact command?


    I solved this problem but now another problem after making an admin piont,CAB B6F3F7B6 could not be found, :unsure::unsure:

    what should I do,I use the Dutch Nero

  18. It starting to do this after ryanvm update pack  :(

    Alcohol 120% does the same.

    @tresans your way does not work ! It installs silent but still found new hardware.

    this was the way i was already using  :}

    Very weird

    I have also slipsteamed Ryanvm's update pack,I know i got problems if I first install Alcohol120% then Daemon tools (dont know why),so I first install Daemon tools and after this Alcohol this is going completely silently with a batch file .

    My alcohol batch file:

    @echo off

    Echo Alcohol 120%

    Echo even wachten

    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Alcohol120\setup.msi /qn reboot=ReallySuppress driver0=a348bus driver1=a348scsi



  19. :hello:

    This is the way I do complete silent with a batch file:

    @Echo off

    Echo DaemonTools v3.47

    Echo Even wachten

    %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Daemon\DaemonTools.msi /quiet /passive /qn /norestart REBOOT=ReallySuppress

    Copy /Y %systemdrive%\Install\Apps\Daemon\1043.dll "%systemdrive%\Program Files\D-Tools\Lang"


    second command is the Dutch language file what has to copied


  20. Hi Im having a strange problemw ith my MCE disk

    I copied the cmpnts folder from disk 2 into the same directory that i coped disk 1 into

    So disk 2 resides in the root foler of disk 1.

    When I come to make the disk in nlite, if i select to Media Centre component its only showing up as 300k.

    obvously i want to install MCE so i leave it unticked, create the cd and install.  However onces MCE is in installed there is no media centre on there what so ever!  Any ideas/


    After you have Nlite'd the cd/dvd you must go to txtsetup.sif and change all (I thought 3 of them) %cd2name% to %cd1 and your done. :thumbup:thumbup

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