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  1. Try this: diskpart.txt file: select disk 0 create partition primary assign letter e exit
  2. Windows Desktop Search 2.6.5 (KB911993)
  3. i've tested the solution on BartPe, from the command prompt i execute "diskpart.cmd" . But an error appears : " The disk management services could not complete the operation How can i solve this? insert this to diskpart.cmd (before diskpart.exe line) %windir%\system32\net start dmadmin
  4. You can get both flash and shockwave (yahoo free) here (exe and msi): http://www.macromedia.com/support/shockwave/info/licensing/
  5. Mayby many way to do. Example with kixtart (KixTart 4.51). Just copy lines and save it with name somename.kix and call like: kix32.exe somename.kix Edit script with your models, pls look at "select case... endselect" Break On Function WMIQuery($sWhat, $sFrom, Optional $sComputer, Optional $sWhere, Optional $x, Optional $root) Dim $sQuery, $objEnum, $sValue, $sItem, $TMP If NOT $sComputer $sComputer=@WKSTA EndIf If InStr($sComputer,'\') $sComputer=Right($sComputer,InStrRev($sComputer,'\')) EndIf If NOT $root $root="\root\cimv2" EndIf $sQuery = "Select " + $sWhat + " From "+ $sFrom If $sWhere AND $x $sQuery = $sQuery+" Where "+$sWhere+" = '"+$x+"'" EndIf $SystemSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"+$sComputer+$root) If @ERROR Exit Val("&"+Right(DecToHex(@ERROR),4)) Return EndIf $objEnum = $SystemSet.ExecQuery($sQuery) If @ERROR Exit Val("&"+Right(DecToHex(@ERROR),4)) Return EndIf For Each $objInstance In $objEnum If $objInstance $=Execute("$$sValue = $$objInstance.$sWhat") If VarType($sValue) & 8192 For Each $sItem In $sValue $tmp=$tmp+'|'+Trim($sItem) Next Else $tmp=$tmp+'|'+Trim($svalue) EndIf EndIf Next $WMIQuery = Split(SubStr($tmp,2),'|') Exit Val("&"+Right(DecToHex(@ERROR),4)) EndFunction $SerialNumber = WMIQuery("IdentifyingNumber","Win32_ComputerSystemProduct","@wksta","WQL","")[0] $Manufacturer = WMIQuery("Vendor","Win32_ComputerSystemProduct","@wksta","WQL","")[0] $Model = WMIQuery("Name","Win32_ComputerSystemProduct","@wksta","WQL","")[0] $BIOSVersion = WMIQuery("SMBIOSBIOSVersion","Win32_Bios","@wksta","WQL","")[0] $BVersion = WMIQuery("Version","Win32_Bios","@wksta","WQL","")[0] If $BVersion = $BIOSVersion $BVersion = "" EndIf ? "$Model" Sleep 3 Select Case $Model = "Model 1" Shell "Model_1.cmd" Case $Model = "Model 2" Shell "Model_2.cmd" Case 1 ; this is a nice way to provide a default CASE ; if all other CASEs fail, this one will always be run EndSelect
  6. Windows Desktop Search Administration Guide /q /WDSCLOSEOL /norestart
  7. Diskpart.exe: Diskpart Command Line Utility Install it and copy diskpart.exe (and diskpart.txt also) to winpe or bartpe cd path (%windir%).
  8. Try with these parameter: /U /WDSCLOSEOL /norestart
  9. disk.cmd: diskpart.exe /s Diskpart.txt echo y | %SYS32%\FORMAT C: /fs:ntfs /q Diskpart.txt: select disk 0 clean create partition primary size=20000 (or 30000) assign letter c active exit A Description of the Diskpart Command-Line Utility
  10. When delete mail press same time shift -button.
  11. Less MSIérables: A tool to Extract the contents of an .msi File Sorry, that tool is for msi extraction. Did you look at %temp% (and subdir below it) after launch setup? ...and InstallShield cabs you can extract i5comp or i6comp tool. http://www.cdmediaworld.com/hardware/cdrom/files.shtml
  12. http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServe...c318f61033.mspx Enable: Run logon scripts synchronously
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