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Everything posted by HJW

  1. The way I did the job: used resource hacker > open sysdm.cpl [support information/bmp] Action menu> add new resource your [support bmp] >name=SUPPORT and language 1033 or whatever your language is. (mine 1043) right now navigate to dialog 102 add this code and delete old CONTROL "SUPPORT", 51, STATIC, SS_BITMAP | SS_CENTERIMAGE | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 65535, 2, 237, 97 CONTROL "OK", 1, BUTTON, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 206, 83, 26, 12 --done-- [oemlogo.bmp] CONTROL "", 62, STATIC, SS_BITMAP | SS_CENTERIMAGE | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 12, 65533, 334, 172 (edit size etcc---press compile script to preview--) oww right your question you see don't sse it in one part because you need to delete the entry in dialog 101 of Bitmap 1 (just delete it)
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