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  1. Has the error been fixed? On nuhi's site it mentions nothing about it?
  2. It was beta 5, i just upgradded from a earlier version with which i had no probs. I decided to make a new disk with all the updates - but i got this error on bootup and now it wont go away, can't install office. Sorry i must have missed a post when i was reading the thread.... thanks
  3. Sorry guys, i got this error again..... with the new version! Just took out bits and pieces like games, msn exploerer, windows messenger, xp tour, helper dog - ! It pops up as mentioned on entering usb stick and installing new software (office XP in my case) and it will not let me install it Any suggestions? the prof
  4. Me to having some issues with this driver signing Edit- Sorted it , add this to your winnt.sif file, undere [unattended] DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore it should be good hopefully.
  5. Any ideas....anyone i know version 9.0 has a built in silent install ... but i don't have it yet.......this is so frustrating....
  6. Hi I have been trying to install sigma plot 8.0 silently for my cd, but i have a few problems. I have recorded the instaltion with the -R switch to generate my .iss file. When i install sigma plot with setup.exe -s (the .iss file is in the same dir) it goes through untill it asks for the license. Sigmaplot has 2 "serials", 1 is the serial and the other is the license. When i inspect the .iss file the first one is is present but the second is not. Is there anyway i can edit the .iss file to use the licesne key aswell. It asks for this (its a 20+number) just after the instalation dir. I have posted the .iss file, Thanks for any help, Profftnt [InstallShield Silent] Version=v6.00.000 File=Response File [File Transfer] OverwrittenReadOnly=NoToAll [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Dlg0={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdWelcome-0 Count=8 Dlg1={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdLicense-0 Dlg2={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdShowInfoList-0 Dlg3={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdRegisterUserEx-0 Dlg4={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdAskDestPath-0 Dlg5={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdComponentDialog2-0 Dlg6={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdSelectFolder-0 Dlg7={7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdFinish-0 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdWelcome-0] Result=1 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdLicense-0] Result=1 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdShowInfoList-0] Result=1 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdRegisterUserEx-0] szName="name" szCompany="company" szSerial="7 digit number" Result=1 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdAskDestPath-0] szDir=C:\Program Files\SigmaPlot\SPW8 Result=1 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdComponentDialog2-0] Program Files-type=string Program Files-count=6 Program Files-0=Program Files\ODBC 3.51 object Program Files-1=Program Files\Windows Files Program Files-2=Program Files\Windows System Files Program Files-3=Program Files\Program Support Files Program Files-4=Program Files\Program Self Register Program Files-5=Program Files\TahomaFont Excel Interaction-type=string Excel Interaction-count=1 Excel Interaction-0=Excel Interaction\ExcelMenuInstall Component-type=string Component-count=9 Component-0=Program Files Component-1=Sample Files Component-2=Help Files Component-3=PDF Manuals Component-4=SPSS Integration Component-5=Excel Interaction Component-6=Pharmacology Menu Component-7=Transform Files Component-8=RequiredComponents Result=1 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdSelectFolder-0] szFolder=SigmaPlot 8.0 Result=1 [Application] Name=SigmaPlot Version=8.0 Company=SPSS Lang=0009 [{7DA83DDA-0EB0-11D6-A937-00C04F091145}-SdFinish-0] Result=1 bOpt1=0 bOpt2=0 [{BA72AE84-4E64-11D6-A93C-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Count=0 [{BA72AE85-4E64-11D6-A93C-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Count=0 [{BA72AE86-4E64-11D6-A93C-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Count=0 [{BA72AE87-4E64-11D6-A93C-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Count=0 [{BA72AE88-4E64-11D6-A93C-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Count=0 [{BA72AE89-4E64-11D6-A93C-00C04F091145}-DlgOrder] Count=0
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