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Everything posted by Ataemonus

  1. Yeah,. so it's named badly and the fact that Windows 10 taskbar is default now for Windows 11 mode in SAB is another weird choice.
  2. I'd happilly donate for some features as well, but it does not seem likely it would happen.
  3. So very true :))
  4. Nothing wrong with it, but I do not see the point in my use case, it simply increases the space used by the taskbar for ... no practical use.
  5. Yeap, this is yuk, without even an option to change it. Definitely not like default W11 taskbar progress bar. Stranger thing is the other options with plumpness are also all different than default W11 progress bar.
  6. I get it feels bad, just make the rules in such a way it does not feel bad for you, because then everybody feels bad I have have the same username on that forum, I never asked there, some other guy did. Just to clarify, I am very happy with the software and I do recommend it to anyone who cares to listen to me, lol. And I also understand having a method to madness, which is why I use SAB in the first place, I want things a certain way
  7. I do not get this attitude, seriously. You act like we all collectively p***ed in your porridge or something, when we ask about some features being changed or missing. If the thread is such a garbage dump, whatever that means to you, you can chose not to answer. But instead of you act bitter and make people who actually paid for your software and who ask actual questions in regards to it, feel like they wronged you in some way. Silly attitude, in my humble opinion. The same with deleting posts just because you don't like the questions. Not to mention the double standards, the entire software is about modifying the start menu, taskbar and some other features, but somehow, when some people ask for some features that were present, they are told said feature "breaks functionality" or changed functionality, well doooh, that's the purpose of the software. Yet some other requests are implemented, those apparently do not break functionality and do not modify functionality. You could simply say you do the software as you like, which is fair, in which case, put it in the rules and that's it, no requests, only report bugs. So many ways to make this happen without the p*** poor attitude. Nobody forced you to open this garbage dump thread, nobody forced you to offer support anywhere but on the official email or whatever.
  8. OK, fair enough, I guess.
  9. I only asked once, there was no bumping, could have said so from the get go instead of acting shady and deleting posts or at least could have sent a PM to inform.
  10. Any reason why my post about the File Explorer was deleted ? Did I do something wrong requesting some functionality/option ?
  11. Not blaming you, I clearly said it's due to Windows Update. They are quite silly and undecided when it comes to this ... feature, lol.
  12. Awesome, lol.
  13. The silly File Explorer "feature" is back again, after the latest Windows Update.
  14. Me either.
  15. I actually prefer the new progress bar, m ore subtle and in tone with the rest of the taskbar. So it's preference, not absolute.
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