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About MarioTetris998

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    Windows 11

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  1. Yes, I have Discord, here is my ID. MarioTetris 998#1702
  2. I have all of these already which is good.
  3. Perfect! Please let me know when you have finished making the video!
  4. Hi. can someone make a video tutorial on how to restore Windows Update v5 please? I keep having trouble when setting it up when following the tutorial that was created here. I have followed each and every step but I keep getting a 404 Server Error when accessing Windows Update v5. If anyone can create a step by step video tutorial, that would be very helpful and much appreciated.
  5. Hello, I want to revive the Get Windows 10 App and make it functional again on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. I am not able to retrieve the GWX files such as the DownloadSwap folder that includes all the necessary files for GWX to work. (Uploading them to this forum would be helpful, even uploading the entire directory of GWX with the required files would be too.) If anyone is able to help me out with the project on getting the Get Windows 10 App working again, please feel free to do so in this forum. Note: This is a public project and anyone can participate.
  6. Hi everyone, Would anyone be able to provide me with a full step-by-step tutorial on how to get the Windows Update website up and running again? Right now I'm trying to get specifically the Windows Update v3 website up. I want to mention that I already have all the files for v3. If anyone is able to provide me with the detailed steps to get the website running and how to access the website through other machines, please let me know. Thanks.
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