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Posts posted by Scarf32

  1. 14 hours ago, Cocodile said:

    I use a legit non-modified Vista x64 SP2, then install everything according to win32's instructions, no need to get as low as RTM! I never used a third party installer, can't say anything about it!

    Look at that! The funniest person in the world my friends! As i'm seeing blaming for a thing that isn't even it is really funny these days

  2. 40 minutes ago, LiptonAcer said:

    For me yes, it literally builds all the stability and the future of our Windows installation. If you are someone who reinstalls often, I advise you to make clones. Windows Vista RTM is a stable bone, you just have to know that some services crash but you can restart them to fix them. For example the control panel can either not open or be empty, it is these services that must be restarted: net stop EMDMgmt net stop slsvc net start EMDMgmt net start slsvc If we master Windows Vista RTM well after it becomes our friend and if we correctly sort all the updates to install, it becomes as clean as an arch linux.

    Oh ok thanks for the advice

  3. 4 hours ago, LiptonAcer said:

    To install Windows Vista I prefer to start from an iso of Windows Vista RTM and to configure it correctly and to install the updates one by one, its stability improves enormously than to start on an iso of sp2 already made.

    Is it that much of an improvement? Because losing 3 hours installing every single update for me it's not worth it

  4. On 7/2/2023 at 8:55 AM, LiptonAcer said:

    After hard work testing all updates on Windows Vista; I finally managed to make the Extended Kernel of March 2023 revision 1 work with the Windows Vista esu! Several updates are problematic: KB5003210, KB4580385 are most responsible as well as superseded 2022 updates. Cumulative updates are also to be banned. The solution is: to remove all the 2022 updates that have been installed on the system and to install only the non-superseded updates which are security only, and to remove the two updates KB5003210, KB4580385 Then, we can install the extended kernel without having any problem!

    Updates 2022 need to remove : kb5009601-kb5010403-kb5011486-kb5011525-kb5011942-kb5012137-kb5012150-kb5012632-kb5012658-kb5013619-kb5013636-kb5014006-kb5014010-kb5014743-kb5014752-kb5015866-kb5015870-kb5016129-kb5016669-kb5016686-kb5017358-kb5017371-kb5018413-kb5018446-kb5018450-kb5020005-kb5020019-KB5021289-KB5021293-KB5021657

    Updates 2022 need to install : kb5009601-kb5010403-kb5011525-kb5012150-kb5012632-kb5013619-kb5014006-kb5014743-kb5015870-kb5016129-kb5016686-kb5017371-kb5018446-kb5020005-kb5020895-kb5021293

    I had the same problem as you and when I deleted the maj to replace them with the others it solved the problem. I made a video of my problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmPZTJX18sE

    I know you can't put links but can you tell me a site to download vista iso? Because i don't know wich to trust. Is archive org safe?

  5. 1 hour ago, winvispixp said:

    you would have had a fully working pc by now if you thought about backing up your files and just reinstalling windows. it's clear it's a windows issue that none of us experienced until now and we don't have a better option at the moment
    you said it crashes while trying to make a backup or restore point. are you sure you haven't disabled some windows services that are necessary? perhaps one of the programs you already installed messed you up, who knows?

    Yes but what i was saying is that this guy thinks it's my fault that windows is broken because i used bizzbob installer wich is not so with "stop wasting my time" i meant stop telling me this. Also can you make me a list of necessary updates to install in order to install ext kernel. So i can reinstall vista

  6. 4 hours ago, Bizzbob said:

    Sorry to hear about the problems you're having Scarf. I can't say I know of any way my batch script could interfere with Win32's installer, so unfortunately I'm probably not going to be of much use here. Are you experiencing a crash with my script before it gets to the option to reboot?

    As for any 'remnants' from running my script, there shouldn't really be much. The script copies Win32's files to a temp folder under 'C:\extendedkernel_*randomnumbers*' and writes these temp files into the registry entry located at 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations', so that Windows would move and rename them on reboot. The folder is normally deleted at reboot. You can try and have a look in these places to see if there are any temp folders or registry entries to delete in the event of a failed install, although PendingFileRenameOperations is normally cleared by Windows on reboot anyway, and I'm not convinced this is the reason for the errors you are seeing.

    Note that if the temporary folder under C:\ needs deleting, you will need to take ownership and give yourself permissions to the folder's contents first, as the custom install script makes TrustedInstaller the owner of the files.

    Yes, the exact point where it crashes is: "Updating registry and marking system files to replace"

  7. 7 hours ago, Dixel said:

    I see, I have a question, what made you use non-win32 installer in the first place? And what does Bizzbob have to say? Perhaps ask him in his topic then?

    Aand If I were you, I'd try a clean install of Vista + the installer by win32. It worked fine for me, always!

    MAYBE BECAUSE WIN32'S INSTALLER NEVER WORKED ON MY PC??? And also it is a hassle to change everything manually and bizzbob's installer is the best so if you stop complaining about me using a better installer and not wasting my time i will appreciate it

  8. 12 hours ago, Dixel said:

    No worries, let's just forget it! Did you uninstal the old kernel first? The original installer kindly provided by win32 has that option, run as admin. The setup.exe should show you the window where you choose options, if no window shown at all, that's starnge! Could be the remnants of the third party installer by "bizzibob" blocking it.


    Nono the windo appears and it asks me what to do: r for restore and other keys to install. I just press enter and in the installation it gives the errors above

    (Also the name of the guy is Bizzbob not bizzibob. This is the link to his installer:

    Also man trust me this installer is the best, it automatically backs up, it disables signature and repair file permissions. All with a click man

  9. 8 hours ago, Dixel said:

    I never implied you're stupid, I was just trying to help, since it's a very common error. But your decision to run a third party installer by "bizzibob" in admin mode doesn't look good, trust me.

    Especially in admin mode.

    Ok rather than that can you help me? Win32's installer is "setup.exe" right? The one already included in the folder. As I've said i ran it as an admin and it gives me these errors: Unable to backup, Unable to restore. Do i have to press othere keys? Because i just press enter. Also sorry for what i wrote

  10. 6 hours ago, Dixel said:

    You need to use the original installer kindly provided by win32, and not a third party one, since it may or may not be infected. And you need to run the original installer by the developer win32 in admin mode!

    Do you think that i didn't run it as an admin? Of course i did. And it gives me these errors. I'm not that stupid

  11. 4 hours ago, VistaLover said:

    ... But, did you first try the DRM test page I referenced already? :dubbio:If not successful in getting the video to play, what exact error was produced, if any?

    Have you tried to inspect the Widevine CDM dll shipped with Google Chrome (x64) with Dependency Walker x64 under Vista SP2 x64+ExtKernel?

    ... That's a telltale sign of Widevine CDM either

    1. Being completely broken under your OS+browser combination
    2. Its web requests to the Spotify Widevine licence server not being authorised/approved, due to a variety of reasons [blacklisted a) version of the CDM itself, b) browser version the CDM is installed in c) device/hardware type, which includes - but is not limited to - OS the browser+CDM are installed] ...

    Please, which exact version of Google Chrome x64 was that and which exact version of the WV CDM?

    TL;DR: Informing us the Spotify web player doesn't (absolutely) work is one piece of info (no doubt useful to those willing to try it in the first place ;) ), but doesn't offer any clue to the more inquisitive among us as to WHY it doesn't work :( ...

    FWIW, I'm on Vista SP2 32-bit, so can't perform those tests myself...

    Man why didn't you tell me before that i should give you details.Also i don't know a thing about how widevine works or how to inspect it. And also i can't install the latest ext kernel because bizzbob installer crashes and the "default one" (setup.exe) gives me a lot of errors like: unable to backup or unable to restore. Can you help me?

  12. 13 hours ago, VistaLover said:

    ... 99.9% of Spotify audio(+video) content is behind full blown DRM and requires the most-up-to-date version of the Widevine CDM (v4.10.2652.0); Widevine CDM (itself basically a DLL file) has abandoned Vista SP2 support at least 3 years ago, and will probably move out of supporting Win7 before the end of the year (WV is owned by Google and they have stopped supporting Win7 in Chrome, of which WV is a component, early in 2023) ...

    @Scarf32 should probably first test if his browser of choice under Vista's Extended Kernel does have a working EME/DRM implementation (via Widevine) at below test page:


    The CDM sends hardware/platform/OS details to the configured licence servers, in order to receive a response with the content decryption keys; because all that takes place inside a so called black-box (the OS and the browser have no access to it at all), it's hard to tell beforehand if the Spotify WV lic servers will whitelist decryption key requests originating from a Vista+ExtKernel "system"; assuming, of course, that the ExtKernel itself enables the "correct functioning" of the Widevine CDM to begin with :whistle:...

    I tried every browser and the further i got was chrome was able to play a song but then after 10 seconds it starts skipping all songs and it doesn't work anymore. So no the web player doesn't absolutely work. Edit: With chrome i mean the windows 7 one the actual chrome, because supermium doesn't even have drm

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