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Everything posted by paradox355

  1. I've searched for a post about this and couldn't find anything, but I think I may have figured it out. What I want to do is keep one CD with just Windows w/current hotfixes and one CD with current drivers/apps that I want to install. And I want the Windows installation to call the installation of the drivers/apps from the other CD. The reason for this is I can keep my Windows CD intact and only have to modify my drivers/apps CD for newer versions or changes for apps that I want to install. I figure WPI is an excellent choice for installing the drivers/apps this way, I just need to be able to call WPI from the Windows installation while having it run from a different CD. After editing the WPI.cmd this is what I came up with: I changed the CD-check file from WPI.ico to CD.txt to establish the %CDROM% variable. I did this because I need to check the drives/apps CD for the WPI.ico file to make sure the right CD is in the drive. Of course there will now have to be a CD.txt file at the root of both CDs. REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have WPI.ico at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WPI.ico set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% changed to: REM Example, how to look for CDROM-drive. Must have CD.txt at the root of the CD. for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\CD.txt set CDROM=%%i: echo Found CD-Rom as drive %CDROM% I then added these lines to check for the correct CD before continuing with WPI: REM Determine if CD in CDROM-drive is WPI CD. :WPIcheck if exist %CDROM%:\WPI.ico goto WPI echo Please insert WPI CD in drive %CDROM%: pause goto WPIcheck :WPI Lastly I changed wpipath to run from CD: :WPI REM Determine the WPI startup path. REM if wpi should run off the cd the replace %~dp0 with %CDROM%. set wpipath=%CDROM% That's it. Could some please double check my scripting to see if this will have the correct result? Thanks in advance.
  2. I found this post which had exactly the example I needed to get started with a batch script to automate my hotfixes. After playing around I came up with a script that can be placed anywhere on your computer allowing you to integrate all of your hotfixes located within one folder while still having other files in that folder and displays the number of files integrated. Here's the code followed by a brief explanation of all the parts: @echo off set hotfix=X:\XP-CD\Hotfixes\ set xpcd=X:\XP-CD\XPSP2 set x=0 FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR %hotfix%KB*.exe /B') DO start /wait %hotfix%%%i /integrate:%xpcd% /q FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR %hotfix%KB*.exe /B') DO set /a x=x+1 echo. echo %x% files integrated. Here is the explanation for the code: @echo off Turns off command echoing at the command prompt. set hotfix=X:\XP-CD\Hotfixes\ Sets up an environment variable named "hotfix" representing the location of your hotfixes. Change after the equal sign to where your hotfixes are located. Notice the trailing backslash "\", this is important and must be there for the script to work! set xpcd=X:\XP-CD\XPSP2 Sets up an environment variable named "xpcd" representing the location of your Windows source. Change after the equal sign to where your Windows source is located. Notice that there is no trailing backslash here, once again this is important, as having one there will break the script! set x=0 Sets up an environment variable named "x" with the value of zero. This simply serves as a counter. FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR %hotfix%KB*.exe /B') DO start /wait %hotfix%%%i /integrate:%xpcd% /q This is the same command stated at the beginning of this post, altered for this script. It parses the DIRectory that you set earlier "%hotfix%" for any file starting with KB and ending in .exe (the asterisk is a wildcard that can represent any character in any amount) and assigns the resulting filename to variable %%i. It then executes that file "%%i" with the path "%hotfix%" tacked onto the front of the file using the integrate parameter pointing to the Windows source that you set %xpcd%. The /q executes the file silently. FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR %hotfix%KB*.exe /B') DO set /a x=x+1 This is simply a counter. It adds 1 to the value of x for each file that it finds that matches the parsing filter. echo. This displays a blank line. echo %x% files integrated. This prints to the screen the number of files integrated using the variable x from the counter. Hopefully a few of you will find this as useful as I have and maybe learned something in the process. Enjoy!
  3. Hey Looneyboy, Can you post your hardware list, so that we can get an idea of what is currently being supported and works? Thanks.
  4. Hehehe, Nice one jrf2027! That's a refreshing change from the normal "We're not a Warez Site!" rebuttal.
  5. I always just set Repartition to Yes in the Unattended section. [Unattended] Repartition=Yes That seems to automate the partitioning and formating for me. However, I still can't figure out how to force the unattended install to wipe out a FAT32 partition and start with a new NTFS partition. Anyone have any suggestions?
  6. I just have a question about the files that are copied over. When you extract from MP10Setup.exe there are 132 files. The script only deals with 61 which is less the half the files. What's up with the remaining files and can I call the .cat files from Svcpack.inf to install the codecs and such?
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