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Posts posted by mlc20011023

  1. On 10/23/2019 at 4:46 PM, SkyySX said:

    This looks nice, I love your sidebar and nice Reimu wallpaper! :D To make it look nicer you could use Stardock Fences to clean-up your desktop icons, FalconX to center your Taskbar icons: https://chrisandriessen.nl/web/FalconX.html and Advanced System Font Changer to try a different font if you like: https://www.wintools.info/index.php/advanced-system-font-changer

    Tanks bro and i more like old stlye but i will use FalconX in my Server,and i use other sofware changed my fonts name is noMeiryoUI,I cant give you link to download by Chian network but you can search in google

  2. On 9/7/2019 at 5:08 PM, SkyySX said:

    Oh you meant the many Desktop icons! :P Well they are all neatly organized so it doesn't look bad in my opinion :) Though have you looked into Stardock Fences? It costs 12€ but has many great features for Desktop icons: https://www.stardock.com/products/fences/

    You can also set it to hide Desktop icons until you click on the desktop, then they appear. I've been using it for a few years and like it, what you didn't see, my desktop is full of icons too, they are just hidden :P

    thanks bro bty i have a new laptop so that desktop will more good then my desktop's desktop

  3. 22 hours ago, SkyySX said:

    I would assume that AeroGlass failed to download the new symbol files for the update, this script here might help you:


    Also may I ask what font you use? I quite like the look of it!

    Thanks, I well go to try it and my use fonts is China some company development a set of fonts my used is Aa-Libra fonts and this is Downlaod adress https://1drv.ms/u/s!AotJ82KZjxTZ0VeRuq1hNbzuhTKs?e=quZhbZ 

    Hop you enjoy that

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