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Everything posted by mnogo999

  1. JFX, thanks!
  2. JFX, thanks for WinNTSetup! (excuse my bad english ) 2 days ago I have install W7 from .wim image with WinNTSetup. My preferred option - "Turn off USB Device after safe remove". Because W7 have bug with safe remove usb-devices. 1st day safe remove worked good. I made tweaks my fresh system, but something go wrong... But now bug is back, "safe remove" don't work again. Question is: Which fix using You? Can I to use this fix now? Rem: [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\usbhub\hubg]"DisableOnSoftRemove"=dword:00000001 don't helps.
  3. Dear Roytam1! BIG thank for Your job! PaleMoon XP made possible browsing on the old Compaq (512mb memory) almost normal. (And your build starts in few seconds faster than Feodor2's) But memory usage still too big. (Every few minutes I have to close the browser, clean the cache and memory, and open again - continue browsing). It is possible to make build without multimedia? (yes, totally no video/audio. I never use the multimedia capabilities in the browser). And no "inspector" and other advanced functions. Only for browsing old-style sites (text + pics)? I expect that this build will use less memory. And will be "browser of my dream"
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