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wyxchari last won the day on May 29 2019

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4569557/windows-update-sha-1-based-endpoints-discontinued Sep 1, 2020
  2. Hello guys. I had been around for a while updating my computers with XP until April 2019 and everything has gone well for me. I just reinstalled XP on a computer but I can't get the updates from WU or MU. I don't get an error, it just doesn't seem to connect. It can not be anymore? Since when? Has it been for the new SHA-2 since August 2020 or was it July 12, 2019? Regards.
  3. Only 5/30 are specific language.
  4. Name of the update within the previous rar: "KB2726929 mscomctl_db27762575a6d9acc7d3f213a16b8dfbcf400830.cab"
  5. All Office 2003 updates ordered by date: https://mega.nz/file/018DwaKR#zwilrZkk6WxhHV2hbcb-qupNKV9gSue64L2_aQSxoEY They are from an Office 2003 in Spanish. I don't know if they are valid for any language or only for Spanish. They do not have a language identifier in the file names.
  6. 2019-06 Actualización de POSReady 2009 para x86 sistemas basados en (KB4501226) Última modificación: 09/06/2019 Tamaño: 529 KB http://support.microsoft.com/help/4501226
  7. Almost one million systems with Windows XP up to Windows 7 and their server counterparts are accessible via the Internet and can be attacked via BlueKeep vulnerability due to missing updates. https://borncity.com/win/2019/05/29/nearly-1-million-windows-machines-with-bluekeep-vulnerability/
  8. I have always thought that having the latest is never the best. The latest operating system (or now version of Windows 10) is the worst thing you can have for security. Computers must be updated but not to the latest version. For example, it is better to have Windows 1803 updated than 1809 updated. Microshit uses our computers as a test bench and the correct updates are passed on to companies after 4 months or more. The proof of this is in the Windows 10 itself, update options and selection of the download semi-annual channel.
  9. - Install: SP3, IE8, Windows Update Agent. I use 7.4. Install Windows Update Agent 7.4.7600.226 which is the last one with manual installation. The 7.6.7600.256 has automatic installation but needs the previous agent already installed, so if there is no agent installed you have to start with 7.4. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/946928/information-for-network-administrators-about-how-to-obtain-the-latest (Change en-us to your language as pl-pl?) - Switch from Windows Update to Microsoft Update: - Activate Control Panel / automatic updates and it is important to wait about 5 minutes - http://www.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate - Install ActiveX until it says it has been installed. - Close IE8. - Turn off automatic updates. - Reboot. If it fails to repeat again expecting more.
  10. https://borncity.com/win/2019/05/15/critical-update-for-windows-xp-up-to-windows-7-may-2019/ "Users of Windows Vista can download the updates (Monthly Rollup or Security Online) of Windows Server 2008 from the Update Catalog and install them manually."
  11. They do not work but by the year 2005 approximately they worked: http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp?corporate=true http://corporate.windowsupdate.microsoft.com
  12. Since 2014 when we made the windows hack to continue receiving updates, always Microsoft update or Windows update have offered Posready updates. Never XPe updates. Check your update history. 3 versions: Posready, plain XP and XPe.
  13. I installed it. Restart fine without errors at the moment.
  14. 2019-05 Actualización de seguridad para WES09 y POSReady 2009 para sistemas basados en x86 (KB4500331) Actualización de seguridad de Windows XP SP3 para XPe (KB4500331) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4500331/windows-update-kb4500331
  15. Will updates come today?
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