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Everything posted by Dr.Virus

  1. I have issues with StartIsBack ++ 1.2.2 version I have SpyShelter Firewall installed and there is some interference between the programs. I have installed it before and everything was running just fine. After installation of SpyShelter firewall and reboot of the system the program simply stops working and causing to my screen to go black for a mere second , same as refreshing the desktop every few seconds, trying to insert the modification of the start menu. Uninstalling SpyShelter Firewall solves the problem. Uninstalling StartIsBack++ also solves the issue. I have set SpyShelter Firewall for Maximum compatibility and it still happens. I managed to find a temporary solution by excluding process explorer.exe from key encryption in SpyShelter. SpyShelter Firewall Program version: 10.7.5 StartIsBack ++ Program version: 1.2.2 Question is if there can be any improvement for the compatibility because the temporary solution I am using is quite unwelcome because my system can be compromised if explorer.exe will be compromised.
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