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  1. url Youtube --> yt-dlp --> MPlayer https://frippery.org/busybox/ BusyBox is a single binary that contains many common Unix tools. Executing Bash scripts on Windows busybox.exe sh "YT-ytdl-MP,sh" ----- "YT-ytdl-MP,sh" --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash echo -e "\033]0;YT-ytdl-MP\007" echo -e "\e[1;32m" # home cd ~ # path yt-dlp cd "./Documents/Softw-Portable/yt-dlp-x86-WXP" # path mplayer-exe mplayer="../mplayer/mplayer.exe" # proxy # export http_proxy='' echo '.' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo ' ---------YouTube---yt-dlp---Mplayer-------------' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' echo '........ Format Video(480p)+ Audio' echo '........ youtube link ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9s97sDe0pk' echo '........ youtube video ID ... T9s97sDe0pk' echo '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' read -p 'Enter youtube url: ' YTuurl echo '' "./yt-dlp.exe" --no-check-certificate --force-ipv4 --youtube-skip-dash-manifest --concurrent-fragments '5' --format 'bv*[height<=480]+ba/b[height<=480]' --get-url "$YTuurl" > 'YT-AV.tmp' mimeVideo=`cat YT-AV.tmp | grep "mime=video" | head -n 1` mimeAudio=`cat YT-AV.tmp | grep "mime=audio" | head -n 1` echo '' $mplayer -subfont-osd-scale '2' -noconfig 'all' -quiet -noautosub -nosub -vo 'directx' -ao 'win32' -autosync '10' -cache-min '2' -cache '204800' -prefer-ipv4 -vf 'fspp=4:0:0:0,framestep=1,screenshot=screenshot/YT0' -lavdopts 'threads=2:lowres=1:st=2:sb=2:skiploopfilter=nonref' -xy '1.1' -sws '1' -dr -double -priority 'abovenormal' -stereo '0' -af volnorm -volume '90' "$mimeVideo" -audiofile "$mimeAudio" -audiofile-cache '40960' echo '' echo '' read -p "Press enter to continue" exec "$0" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. associate the file type .SH with this batchfile ("Busybox-Run-sh.bat" in my case) and you can double-click on the .SH and it runs.
  2. Camtron: thanks for the info. although I am more a common user, not a builder. so I was looking for something ready to use and test. (I animare me and see what it is). hopefully encourage some knower build an iso.
  3. I'm no expert but once something similar happened to me. apology maybe you already did. win98 copy files to the hard drive and install it from there.
  4. I'm sorry; I seek not get in trouble forum. (It is at MSDOS.) you think of freedos and win32 emulator. Together ready for use; someone will know any iso. thanks for the patience.
  5. sorry for the inconvenience reading http://winedos.ucoz.com/ see that there are emulators for win32. it is likely that someone has put together a CD ready to use. I was wondering if anyone knows a site where you can download some CD iso with OS DOS and Win32 emulator (like wine in linux) I thank you for your time.
  6. I thank you for your prompt response and apology as open questions, it is not my intention to trouble the forum. still learning ... thanks for the patience.
  7. (Perhaps already they answered this) sorry for the trouble I was wondering if there is not a win98 iso unattended ready to use (with the latest updates already built). and if any of where I can download .. thanks.
  8. humildemente me presento ante ustedes; soy un novato queriendo sobrevivir en este enjanbre con necesidad de aprender de sus experiencias; les agradezco el aceptarme. gracias de antemano ya que yo los necesito mas ustedes que ustedes a mi ... soy lento he iré despacio, disculpen si hago preguntas tontas (no puedo ocultar mi poco conocimiento). https://translate.google.com.mx/#es/en/humildemente%20me%20presento%20ante%20ustedes%3B%20soy%20un%20novato%20queriendo%20sobrevivir%20en%20este%20enjanbre%20con%20necesidad%20de%20aprender%20de%20sus%20experiencias%3B%20les%20agradezco%20el%20aceptarme.%0Agracias%20de%20antemano%20ya%20que%20yo%20los%20necesito%20mas%20ustedes%20que%20ustedes%20a%20mi%20...%20soy%20lento%20he%20ir%C3%A9%20despacio%2C%20disculpen%20si%20hago%20preguntas%20tontas%20(no%20puedo%20ocultar%20mi%20poco%20conocimiento). I humbly stand before you; I am a novice wanting to survive in this enjanbre need to learn from their experiences; thank accept them.thanks in advance and I need you more than you you me ... I am slow go slow, sorry if I make stupid questions (I can not hide my little knowledge).
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